Chapter 31

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Ji enters the building with me. I'm about to press the button on the elevator when I get stopped by the landlord.

"Oh. Hi Mister Davis." Mister Davis is a real nice guy. Him and his wife live here on the first floor. They have two children but they've both moved out. When we first came here, he invited Bronwyn and I to his apartment and his wife made us tea and biscuits.

"Hi Quinn. I'm really sorry about what happened." I nod. "Me too. It must've caused so much disruption." He shakes his head. "Don't worry about that. Although, I must say, and I hate to but your rent is due in five days. I can't keep pushing it." He looks genuinely heartbroken to say it and I don't blame him one bit. He's just doing his job.

"I know. I'll work out something." He nods. "I know you will." I go into the elevator with Ji standing silent next to me. We get to the second floor and I search for my key. "You don't need it." Ji tells me as he pushes the door open.

I look at him in confusion until I remember he must've broken the lock to get in.

Great. Another thing I have to pay for.

At this rate, I might as well be homeless.

I go inside to see the apartment is tidied up nicely. But I don't want to stand here inspecting everything so I go straight to my room and grab my duffel bag before putting in some of my clothes and important things.

"Want any help?" He asks. "No, it's alright." I can see him scanning the room as I pack and it makes me kind of uncomfortable. He's seeing my room for the first time and although it looks nice to me, it might not look nice to him.

Plus it's not like a regular girl's room. Mine is really bland and not pink enough.

"You live in a fucking shithole." My heart sinks into my stomach. I sigh and pause my packing. "I know. You didn't have to phrase it like that."

"Quinn, babe, you can't live here. You can't live like this."

"Well, I've been living like this so it doesn't really matter."

"Yes it does. Especially if you're gonna be living here alone. Bronwyn is always at Tobias' place. I know for certain she isn't going to stay here if she's having a baby."

"I can manage. I just need to work extra shifts for more money. Easy." He stands up. "No. Not easy. You don't deserve to live here. This place looks and smells like shit. I'm surprised it isn't infested with bugs yet."

I take a deep breath. I understand what he's saying, this place is ugly but it's what I can afford. And he has no right to say things about it.

"Ji, if you don't have anything nice to say, then leave and I'll come out when I'm done. I know it's a terrible place but it's the only affordable place so shut up or leave. It's not like I can stay with my mom either, she's always traveling and she stays where her fashion show is being held."

He walks closer to me and takes my hands. "Come live with me."

If I could raise my eyebrow, I would.


"Come and live with me."

I blink, not fully registering what he's saying.

"What?" He laughs and pulls me gently to the bed to sit down. "Your mom doesn't have a place, I know that. And I know she'll probably leave soon to live with Buck or go to another show. Bronwyn is also gonna move out which will leave you all alone here. And I don't like that. Not one bit. So you gotta come live with me."

I shake my head. "That's nice of you to offer me that but I just can't."

"Why not?"

"Because... because I barely know you. And you have a daughter you need to look after and I don't wanna get in your way."

He looks down at the ground smirking before looking back at me. "You're gonna live with me anyway once I make you my girlfriend. I'm just trying to speed up the process. You won't even have to work anymore, I'm rich and I'll happily spend my money on you. I just want you close to me, I want to know that you'll be safe all the time."

"Living with you is one thing but I will not stop working. I won't live with you for free. I wanna work and help pay rent or something."

He holds up his hands. "Alright, alright. That's fine by me."

"But that doesn't mean I'm agreeing. Just let me think about it okay?" He nods. "Okay." I get up and continue to pack the last of my things. "You looked really good earlier."

I look up at him. "Hm?"

"When you were holding and feeding Lumi. I don't know, it just made me happy to see you with her. You know, I really like you Quinn. I don't care how short it's been that I've known you, you just make me feel shit that I've never felt before."

I can't help but smile. My heart leaps in my chest. "Really?"

"Really. Let me take you out tonight." I zip my bag up with a stupid grin on my face. "Like a date?"

"Yeah. A really nice date, somewhere to eat and then a stroll on the beach. Just somewhere to take our mind off things and hope the night ends in a much more romantic way."

The way he's smirking at me has me weak in the knees. "I don't have anything to wear though. I can't buy anything now." He shakes his head.

"No need for that baby. I want you to wear the best outfit you own. I want to see the real Quinn, in her real clothes that she'd wear for her friends. Don't put on anything fancy for me just because I'm a guy taking you out."

I can't lie, I want him so bad. There's no way I can not resist him after hearing him say that. I'm not too sure of my feelings regarding him. I like him so much, I feel this connection whenever we're together. He makes me so happy, my mom seems to like him, even Buck doesn't have a problem with him, and he knows Bronwyn and Lucky. Plus he's helped me with Corbin when he didn't have to do that.

But we haven't known each other for that long. I don't know his past, I don't know everything about him and that makes me wary.

But I want him. He looks so nice sitting on my bed. If I had to just move closer and wrap my arms around his neck, he'd pull me onto his lap and then we'd kiss... and then...

"Earth to Quinn. Look how red you are."

"Oh." I push my thoughts at the back of my mind and grab my duffel bag. "Okay. Yes, I'll go out with you but you have to leave the room so I can pack my outfit. I don't want you seeing it before the date."

He laughs and stands up. "Okay."

He walks out my room and closes the door behind him. I take a deep breath. That was... something.

Is he really serious about me living with him? He can't be. But what else can I do? Living here alone seems way too scary. I'd be expecting Corbin to pop up all the time. Not to mention how crappy this place is. Ji has an amazing house. Everything looks expensive and it all works.

But I can't intrude like that. Especially now that he has Lumi. He said that I'd be living with him when he makes me his girlfriend. That definitely made me blush. Is that what he plans on doing?

I open my closet again and see my most prized clothing item that my mom made for me. She made a lot of clothes for me but this one takes the cake. It's a dark teal ruched bodycon dress. It's off the shoulder with long sleeves and it has tiny sparkles covering it. It hugs my curves and it's mid thigh length. I only wore it once. Not anywhere though, just to fit it on. It's so beautiful, I wanted to save it for an extra special occasion and I think this date with Ji is perfect.

I fold it up nicely and take out a pair of black platform heels before packing it in my duffel bag. I have my jewelry already so I close the bag and take one look around my room before I leave.

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