Chapter 6

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"I can see now where Quinn gets her good looks from." Says Ji as he looks at my mom through the mirror before pulling out of the parking lot. My mom's perfume fills the car with a sweet, floral scent.

She chuckles. "Quinn is extremely beautiful, yes." She answers and I turn to the window, shielding my face. "Mom." I whine and I catch Ji smirking at me. "So are you in college?" She asks and I notice Ji stiffen for a second. "No. I'll be working soon."

"Oh? What work?" I turn around to face my mom. "Mom, give him a break. He's doing you a favour by letting you stay with us." She leans back against the seat. "Alright, alright. I'm just curious."

Ji gives me a smile as I turn back to face the front. My mom fills the silence by telling us all about the fashion show and how excited she was to see the models wearing her designed clothes. "You have to come with Quinn. Not to model but to watch. It's such a great experience."

"I honestly think Quinn should model." Says Ji and I groan. Here we go. "I think so too! She has an incredible body and it would mean so much to see her model the clothes that I designed."

"I don't have the body for it. All the models are skinny." I point out. I'm not ashamed of my body in any way and I must admit that I have a nice body. A semi - flat stomach, wide hips, big boobs and a butt. But I've seen the models and they all have flat chests and flat stomachs. "That's exactly why you should model Quinn. You've got such a perfect hourglass figure that will blow people away." Answers my mom. "Your mom is right. All the people will be drooling when they see you on the runway." I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I don't think I'll ever model. It's just not for me.

Soon we reach the same double story house that held the party Bronwyn and I went to. I had no idea Ji lived here but that should be obvious at the fact that I stumbled across a nursery. Does that mean his parents live here too? He never mentioned them before. What if they live here and they chase my mom and I away?

"The house is lovely! I was sure you told me you lived in an apartment." My mom leans in between the two front seats to fawn over the house. I spot a light on through one of the top windows. His parents must definitely be here but there's no way I can say anything now.

Ji and my mom get out of the car before me and Ji carries both of her suitcases before walking on the pathway to the front door. I take my duffel bag out the boot before closing it. "He's such a gentleman." Whispers my mom as she reaches for my hand, giving it a squeeze. Before he opens the door, he turns toward us. "My little sister is staying over so don't be surprised when you see her."

"Aww, he has a little sister. How cute." Comments my mom. His sister is here? Maybe it's another one and not the small baby I saw the last time. Now that the house isn't filled with people, it looks amazing. There are two pot plants on either side of the door. To the right are four grey couches surrounding a fireplace with a flat screen TV above it.

To the left is a long brown wooden table with six black leather chairs and a bowl full of apples atop it. Mounted on the wall behind the table is a glass cabinet filled with a collection of wine. The floor is laminated and spotless. The kitchen is big and wide with spotless counters. "Make yourself at home. I'll put these suitcases in the guestroom."

"The guestroom? I thought I'd be sleeping on the couch." Says my mother, clearly impressed by the house. So am I but I'm trying not to show that. "There are plenty of rooms for you to sleep in Miss." Answers Ji, flashing a charming smile before he goes upstairs.

"This place is amazing Quinn. It's almost like the house we used to live in." I nod. "Kind of." She sits on one of the couches. "Can I take pictures? I need to take pictures and let the people know I've landed safely."

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