Chapter 34

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His hand glides up my thigh, pushing my dress up a bit as I place my hand on his cheek to deepen the kiss. I can taste remnants of my lipstick that must be smudged across both of our lips. The sound of the waves crashing intensify and there's a burning feeling in the pit of my stomach.

He pulls away. "Fuck Quinn, I want you."

"Then have me."

I almost forget that we're still at the beach, out in the open where people can see us but he remembers. He stands up quickly and holds his hand out for me to take before he pulls me up.

We run across the beach and back to the car. I wipe the sand off my feet before I get in. He starts the car and we're off on our way back to his house. We're both in a giggling fit as he rests his hand on my thigh and I steal glances at him as he drives. He may or may not have ran a few red lights but we're back before I know it.

We both get out and he rushes to me side, hands on my hips as we kiss again. He lifts me up by my thighs and picks me up, our lips not separating as he walks up the driveway to the door.

He pushes the door open and puts me down once we're inside. "They must be sleeping by now so we're fine." I giggle and pull his face closer to mine as we share another kiss. "Aww, how sweet."

A voice interrupts us and I jump back, my heart pounding. It's not just any voice either. It's a female voice. At the dining room table I spot Lauren and another black woman.

The other one is absolutely gorgeous. Her skin is literally glowing and she has a piercing gaze. She has smooth, shiny black hair in a high ponytail with nice defined cheekbones added into the mix. Her eyes pierce through me and I see Lumi in her arms. Even though her gaze is much more intense, I recognize those eyes. It's the same as Lumi's. That must be Linds and she's way more beautiful that I ever imagined.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Koda speaks first, breaking the silence. Her eyes move from me to him and I hear footsteps. Holt and Leo emerge from the kitchen. "I tried to tell you man but you hung up." Leo explains.

"You said it didn't involve Lumi. She's holding my fucking baby." Koda hisses. "I didn't want to give her but she threatened to call the police."

"I see you have a new toy." Linds speaks and I'm almost mesmerized by her voice. It holds so much power, Lumi is going to look so angelic when she's older, considering what her parents look like. I'm not the only one caught in her web. Holt and Leo can't stop staring at Linds either and I see by their eyes that she's doing something to them.

Koda seems to be against her charm. "Give me Lumi." Linds smiles and looks down at Lumi in her arms. "That's what you named her? That's a beautiful name, Koda." His jaw clenches and I can only think about one thing.

She calls him Koda too. Which means there was definitely something more between them.

"Don't fuck with me, Lindiwe. Give her to me now." He takes a step toward them but Linds doesn't back down. She's sitting all too comfortably in the chair as she rocks Lumi. "You do realize she's my daughter too, right?"

Lauren leans over and touches the top of Lumi's head. "She's a real stunner. She'll definitely break hearts when she's older."

"You left her with me. You were too pussy to look after her." Koda huffs. "Hey now. No swearing in front of our daughter." Linds averts her gaze back to me. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your toy?" I notice Koda's fists are clenched and I almost want to step in and give her a piece of my mind but this isn't my fight and I'm not his girlfriend.

"She's not a toy. You'll talk to her with more respect than that or I'll fuck you up." His tone is low now and I can feel the heat of his anger radiating off him. Leo steps toward him. "Chill man. Take some breaths."

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