Chapter 10

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I've just finished showering and the bathroom is filled with steam. I haven't looked outside so I don't know what the weather is but I can see sun spilling into the bathroom through the window.

I open my bag and take out outfits that look appropriate for today. I take out a long black skirt with small white flowers printed all around it. It goes down till my ankles and it has a slit on the left side that stops at my thigh.

My mom made this skirt just for me when we last saw each other. The other designers fawned all over it and begged her to make more so they could sell it and let the models wear it on the runway but she refused. She wanted me to have the only design of this skirt. I haven't worn it once but now that she's here, I can't not wear it. I want her to see how much this skirt means to me.

I pair it with a light blue sweater and put a denim jacket over. I put on a pair of white pumps and do my makeup, leaving my hair loose and letting it flow down my back.

I take a mirror picture of me and send it to Bronwyn and Lucky.

Lucky immediately replies.

L: You look adorable! You should post this on your Instagram :)
Q: I could but I don't have Instagram ^_^

I wait for her reply and my phone lights up with her caller id. I answer quickly. "Hi."

"Tell me you're joking. How can you not have Instagram?" I chuckle while I run a hand through my hair. I'm due for a trim but I need to get enough money for that.

"I don't see a need for it."

"You'd have so many followers Quinn. People will definitely like your posts. And you can share things on your story like how your day with your mom is and how much you love Ji and-"

"Woah, love Ji? I don't love him."

"That's not what my boyfriend told me." I can just sense the smirk on her face. Wait, her boyfriend told her? What does he know about Ji and I?

"What does your boyfriend have to do with this?" She giggles and I imagine she's twisting her hair inbetween her fingers. "Tell you what, skip work with me on Monday and I'll tell you everything he told me but in return, you have to make an Instagram account."

My eyes widen and I'm almost at a loss for words. "You want me to what?! Skip work? I can't do that!" Skipping work won't only get me in trouble but it also means I will get paid less. Mister Grim has a certain punishment for workers that skip a day with no doctors letter. "Don't worry. Mister Grim won't be able to do shit. Please Quinn."

This is a ridiculous idea. I can't afford to get paid less. I still have bills to pay. A lot of them and I need extra money for all the extra stuff like taking my uniform to the dry cleaners and getting my hair trimmed. Plus I have to work up on saving for driving lessons so I can get a car.

Then again, this could be great bonding time with Lucky and it means she'll tell me what her boyfriend's connection is with Ji and what they know about Ji and I.

"Don't overthink it. If we get into trouble, I promise I won't let anything happen to you, I swear."

Of course, my heart wins and I agree. "Fine. You won't let me get into trouble?" She squeals and I have to move the phone away from my ear. "I promise! We'll have such fun." I can't help but smile. I'm eager to hang out more with Lucky and to know about whatever is going on between Ji and I.

I hang up and pull a small black bag out of my duffel bag that I hang on my shoulder. I put my phone, lipstick and purse into it before I walk out the bathroom and downstairs to meet my mom. My mom looks beautiful as always, wearing a velvet green pants, a white blouse with the first two buttons open and a gucci handbag in her hand. She's wearing a nude shade of lipstick and her eyeliner and eyeshadow is done so perfectly.

Ji whistles as he walks out the kitchen, just as I reach the end of the stairs. "You ladies look extravagant." He compliments and I'm about to thank him when my mom gasps.

"Oh Quinn, you're wearing the skirt." Her gaze is fixed on the skirt I'm wearing that is a bit too tight around my hips and thighs but I managed to fit into it.

"Yeah." She walks toward me and I swear her eyes are glistened with tears. "Mom, don't cry." I tell her, feeling slightly embarrassed as I spot Ji holding in his laugh. "What's so special about the skirt?" He asks as my mom admires the way it looks on me. "I designed this skirt just for Quinn. I haven't seen her wear it and now she's wearing it and it warms my heart." She dabs her fingers under her eyes and I try not to roll my eyes. I smile at her. "I really love it."

She throws her hands up and smiles. "We need to take pictures. Ji, do you mind?" She takes her phone out of her handbag. "Not at all." He takes her phone and we stand in front of the staircase, arms around each other and smiling at the camera while he snaps a few pics.

"Looking good, looking good." He says as we do different poses and laugh.

"Thank you so much. I need to post this right away." Says my mom as he hands her phone back to her. "Can I make you ladies breakfast? Is scrambled eggs okay?"

"I was hoping we could go to a café for breakfast. It's been a while since I had a latte." Replies my mom, not looking up from her phone. My stomach drops. I don't know if I'll have enough money. I left some money at my apartment for Bronwyn and I only have the money from my last shift.

Ji notices my face fall but I flash him a smile, hoping he buys it. "How do you plan on getting there by the way? There's no way you two can walk." He says and I frown at him.

He's right though. I hadn't thought about that. How can we go sightseeing with no car? There's no way I can afford an Uber for all the stops we'll make.

I desperately want the ground to swallow me up. I can't believe I didn't think any of this through. "We'll get an Uber of course." Answers my mom.

It'll be so embarrassing if I let her pay for the Uber. What can I do? I feel Ji's hand on my arm. "It's alright. I'll cancel my plans and drive you two to wherever you need to be." I shake my head. "That's not nece-"

"You'd really do that? Oh you're such a gentleman." Gushes my mom, finally looking up from her phone. Her gaze moves to his hand on my arm and I pull away, pretending to fix my hair. "I don't mind at all." Ji says and I feel bad for letting him cancel whatever plans he has but grateful that I won't have to use my money on an Uber.

But what if Ji wants petrol money in return? I'll think about all that later, right now, I'm going to spend some time with my mom and not worry about a thing.

"You should bring Lumi along." My mom suggests and I watch as Ji's face hardens. "No. Kelsey's coming anyway." My mom shrugs, not noticing him freeze. "Okay. I'll watch something while we wait." Ji nods and she walks over to the couch before putting the TV on. "Is something wrong? You seem a bit on edge."

I didn't mean to ask him but I couldn't seem to keep my mouth shut. "It's nothing." He barely glances at me as he walks past me to the dining room table. I follow after him. "Are you sure? If there's anything bothering you, you can talk to me."

"It's nothing Quinn." The way he says my name makes a chill run down my spine and not the good kind. He's made it clear that he doesn't want to talk about whatever is bothering him and I don't want to push him even further. I decide to sit next my mother and watch some reality TV show. Her phone keeps vibrating next to me.

"Sorry, people are liking the post." She says when she notices me looking at her phone. "You posted on Instagram?" She nods. "I didn't know you were on there. I thought you were on Facebook or something. How many followers do you have?" I ask out of pure curiosity.

She smiles. "Two point two million." My eyes widen. "Seriously? That many?" She chuckles. "I'm a fashion designer honey. Of course I'll have a lot of followers. You should join Instagram. I'd love to tag you in my posts."

The doorbell rings and Ji opens it, letting Kelsey in. She smiles at my mom and I before hugging Ji. He says something to her before he turns to us. "Ready to go?" My mom practically jumps up. "Of course." I get up too and Kelsey moves toward the couch. "Have fun." She says as she walks past me and I smile. "Thanks."

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