Chapter 30

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The sudden loud noise scares Lumi and she begins to cry. "Dude. The hell are you screaming for?" Ji asks with a frown on his face as he gets up and crosses the floor to Lumi.

He takes her from Bronwyn. "Gee, I don't know? Maybe the fact that you're a dad and Tobias will be too." Leo states in annoyance. "Since when did you guys decide to play house all of a sudden?" Holt asks, taking a swig of beer from his bottle. "I didn't decide it." Ji answers as he bounces Lumi but her cries don't stop. "Neither did we." Bronwyn replies.

Ji approaches me. "Can you hold her? I wanna warm her bottle."

"Sure." I hold out my arms and he places her in them. I don't know how to comfort her but her cries die down when Ji reaches the kitchen.

"I think she likes you." I hear Lucky say. I shake my head. "No way. She just heard Ji say he's gonna warm her bottle."

"Oh please. She's a baby, Quinn." Bronwyn responds. "Oh, hello. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." I turn around at the sound of my mom's voice and see her coming down the stairs in a peach silk gown. "Hey, Mrs Platten. I've heard so much about you." Bronwyn says.

My mom stops in her tracks as she stares at Bronwyn, almost as if she's at a loss for words. "Mom?"

She tilts her head slightly. "You're Bronwyn?"

"One and only." Bronwyn doesn't seem to notice my mom's awkwardness but I do. "Nice to meet you." She says before she disappears into the kitchen.

What was that all about? It's kind of strange how she went quiet all of a sudden. "Your mom's hot." Holt comments and I'm taken out of my thoughts. "She has a boyfriend."

"She does?" Bronwyn asks. "Well, sort of."

Just then, Buck comes downstairs. He nods and waves at us before going into the kitchen.

"Holy shit." Mutters Bronwyn.

"He's fucking hot." Lucky remarks.

I shrug. "I guess." Ji comes back with Lumi's bottle. "You want to feed her?"


"You don't have to."

"No, it's alright."

He hands me the lukewarm bottle and I hold her up a bit higher before putting the bottle by her lips. She opens her mouth and starts drinking almost immediately. "This changes everything." Tobias mumbles.

"It does. Both of you now have children and you won't be able to-"

"No. Not that." Tobias says, cutting Leo off. "We weren't going to keep ours. And we found out too late anyway so I couldn't abort her but we were thinking of giving her up for adoption." Bronwyn keeps her eyes on Lumi.

"But seeing Lumi... I don't know, I just feel like I wanna try, you know?"

"Too late for an abortion?" Questions Ji, looking away from Lumi briefly to look at Bronwyn. "I'm eight months. Almost nine. I'm not showing because she's pushed back all the way in my ribs."

"So that's why you've been turning down all those drinks and joints. Thought you were becoming a nun." Comments Holt.

"Have you told Kofi and Nevan yet?" Leo questions. "No. No one knew about Lumi except Quinn."

"And what about your dad?" Ji rolls his eyes. "He's still being a piece of shit. I got Kofi to quiet him down for now but it won't be long before he starts acting up again. Threatened to tell everyone about Lumi just cause I wouldn't work for him. Doesn't really matter now that you guys know."

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