Chapter 29

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When I wake up, Ji's arm is around my waist, his face nuzzled in my back. I touch his arm and his grip tightens for a second before he sighs. "Morning." He mutters and my stomach flutters at hearing his deep, morning voice.

I turn myself around so I'm facing him. "Morning." I reply. His eyes are still closed but a smile breaks out across his face. "How did you sleep, beautiful?"

"Mm, alright and you?"

Just then, the doorbell rings. "Who's that?" He asks, while getting up. His sweatpants are hanging low and I can't help but stare before he pulls it up. "Could you check up on Lumi for me?"

"Sure." I get up and check the time on my phone. It's almost twelve pm. How'd I manage to sleep in this late? I put my slippers on and go into Lumi's room. I notice the door to the guest room where my mom and Buck are sleeping in, is still closed.

The curtains inside the nursey are still closed so I open them before looking inside the crib. Lumi is sleeping soundfully with a blanket over her stomach and her pacifier laying next to her. I smile down at the sleeping baby and can't help but stroke her cheek with my finger. I hear talking from downstairs.

I wonder who could be here.

I leave the nursery and keep the door ajar before I stand at the staircase to see who's here. I'm surprised to see my friends and Ji's.

I descend the stairs and Bronwyn smiles when she sees me. "You two sleeping in late, huh? Sorry to interrupt." She says when I hug her.

"No, you're fine." Lucky hugs me too and I greet the guys. I take a seat on the couch next to Ji. "Yo, can I grab a beer?" Holt asks and Ji nods. "That party was the bomb last night. Why the hell did you two leave early?" Questions Tobias as Holt gets up to retrieve a beer. "Because of fucking Laura." Answers Bronwyn. "I heard about that. The fuck was she on about? Talking about Linds and all that shit." Adds Lucky.

"Did you come here to talk about that? Let's meet up somewhere and we can talk there." Ji suggests. "No fucking way. You never let us come over here anymore." Complains Leo.

"I do. I just don't let you stay."

"And why the fuck not?" Asks Tobias and I can't help but glance at Ji briefly. His jaw is clenched and I know it's because he doesn't want them to find out about Lumi.

Holt returns from the kitchen and sits down. "And what the fuck was Laura saying? That shit about a baby. She looked so skinny yesterday, she must've been on something."

"But, think about it for a sec. Linds just disappeared. Then we heard she moved away. What if she got pregnant?" Lucky asks. Leo chuckles. "Oh please. Ji isn't that reckless."

It's silent for a second, Ji doesn't say anything to defend himself and they catch on. "Or is there something you're not telling us, Ji?" Inquires Bronwyn. "Ji, did you fucking get Linds pregnant?" Asks Holt in disbelief but he seems to be laughing. "No he didn't. Must be something else. Are you hiding a dead body or something? Because, you know-" Leo is cut off when Holt and Ji shoot him a look.

I'm confused but I turn to Ji.

"They kind of have it figured out already." I mumble to Ji and he runs his hands over his face.

"Fuck. Yes, I got her pregnant."

"Holy shit. Are you serious?" Asks Leo.

Ji holds up a hand. "Hear me out. She said she was on birth control so when I saw the condom broke, I didn't worry. Until she started acting weird and told me she's pregnant. I wrote her off. I really did. I refused to believe that baby was mine. I mean, she's a whore. But I knew she wasn't lying when she said I was the only one she had been with."

"You two were pretty serious back then too. Both of you fucked each other and no one else like you used to." Says Lucky and I feel a little sting in my chest.

They were serious? As in, serious relationship?

"I'll admit, I was starting to feel something for her. But those feelings vanished when she told me she was pregnant. We hardly spent time together after that. She went into hiding to hide her bump and shit. And then one day, she showed up on my doorstep with a baby in her arms. Told me to look after her, she wanted to run some errands. I said no but she was persistent. I didn't want to be a part of the baby's life but I was annoyed that she didn't tell me she had given birth already. That night she never came. I tried phoning her but she changed her number. I couldn't get hold of her."

"Wait, so Linds left the baby with you?" Tobias asks, a frown etched onto his face.


"What the fuck? Then why the fuck is she spewing all this bullshit about you stealing the baby?" Holt questions, finishing the last of his beer and placing the bottle on the coffee table.

"Where's the baby now?" Asks Lucky.

"Why didn't she abort it? Did you give it up for adoption?" Bronwyn asks.

Ji leans back against the couch. "That's what I asked her. She said she didn't want to. She wanted to raise the baby. I kept her. She's going to be two months old in a few more days."

Lucky and Bronwyn both gasp.

Leo raises an eyebrow. "Wait, you kept the baby? This whole time you had a baby with you and we never knew? What about when we go out? Who looks after her?"

"Remember Kelsey? Kanna's friend?"

Bronwyn shifts forward in her seat. "Is she here now? Can we see her?"

Ji turns to me. "Is she awake?"

"No, but I can go check."

"And Quinn knew this whole time?" Lucky asks.

"He told me Lumi is his little sister. Only a few days ago did he tell me that she's his daughter." I answer. "This is all so much to take in." Mutters Leo as I get up and make my way to Lumi's room.

To my surprise, she's awake, moving her fingers, her eyes on the baby mobile above her. Her eyes move to me and the corners of her mouth lift upward. My heart warms at the sight and I reach into the crib, making sure to support her head, like Ji taught me, before I hold her close to me and walk out the room.

Before I can make it to the bottom of the stairs I hear a gasp. "She's so tiny." Lucky says and I take my seat next to Ji.

She gets up and stands next to me to look at Lumi. "She's fucking adorable. Fuck, I shouldn't have aborted mine." She mutters and Ji looks at her in surprise.

"It wasn't his. Don't worry." She says rather sheepishly. She strokes Lumi's hand with her index finger and Lumi opens her tiny hand to grab ahold of Lucky's finger. Lucky immediately swoons. "Oh my fuck, she's so precious, Ji."

She gently pulls her finger out of Lumi's grip. "Let me go sit down before I rethink my life choices."

"That's it then. You're a dad now huh? You'll be doing dad things. Won't hang out with us anymore." Mumbles Holt. "Shut the fuck up. I've still been doing my shit." Retorts Ji. "Can I hold her?" Bronwyn asks. "Sure. Just don't fucking drop her." Replies Ji.

She rolls her eyes. "I won't." I get up and walk over to Bronwyn before placing Lumi in her arms.

"Oh fuck. Look at her Tobias. Isn't she just the cutest?" Bronwyn coos as she holds Lumi over for Tobias to see. Leo sighs. "He'll have absolutely no time for us now." Ji rolls his eyes and I chuckle. "This calls for another beer. Anyone want anything?" Holt stands up.

"You're gonna have to teach me your ways Ji." Says Tobias. Bronwyn glances at him. "Right? Holding her is giving me a real change of heart."

"Fucking hell. It's just a baby and look at you two already planning your future kid. Why don't you two wait a few years." Holt says as he trails into the kitchen.

"Well... about that..." Bronwyn starts.

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