Chapter 23

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I'm extremely confused why Nevan is here but I follow him out the room anyway. We walk down a hallway with grey paint covering the walls. We turn a corner and on the right side are huge columns situated against a small intricate railing.

There are many wooden doors on the right side and we come across a wide staircase. There are three chandeliers above us, hanging delicately from the ceiling.

The roof is arched up and really high filled with paintings of angels above. It makes me think I might be in a cathedral of some sort. As we descend the stairs, there's a ginormous flat screen TV situated on a wall with a music channel playing.

There are five, large couches in front of the TV with people. I soon realise who the people are as I move closer.

Holt, Leo, Tobias, Bronwyn and Lucky.

"She's awake." Nevan states as we reach the bottom of the staircase. Lucky jumps up and runs to me, pulling me into a tight hug. "Oh, Quinn. Are you alright? We were all so worried when we got a call from Ji."

"He called you? Where is he?" She pulls away and takes my hand. "Come sit down and we'll talk." We walk to one of the couches and she makes me sit inbetween her and Bronwyn. Bronwyn takes my other hand and holds it. "What happened? Bronwyn said the inside was trashed." Comments Tobias. "I was getting ready for work when I heard a knock. I thought it would be... Bronwyn but when I opened the door, it was Corbin."

I don't know how they'll react if I mention that I was waiting for Ji. Not that it matters anyway. "He pushed me inside and broke my cup. He destroyed my food that I bought yesterday. He broke our plates." I glance at Bronwyn. "I'm so sorry. Because of me, we won't have food tonight and we won't have plates or a kettle."

Her thumb rubs my hand. "It's alright. It's not your fault babe."

"That nasty motherfucker. I should've killed him when I had the chance." Seethes Holt. His words bring a shiver down my spine as I take a quick glance at him.

His eyes are focused on the floor and his hands are locked together. "Ji's at the police station. They charged him with assault." Says Leo, pulling my gaze away from Holt. My eyes widen. "What? But he saved me." I protest. He's charged with assault?

That's can't be. He came at the right time to save me. The image of him over Corbin and punching his face repeatedly appears in my mind. I can still hear the echo of the punches in my ears. Okay, he did go a bit overboard but if he wasn't there... I don't even want to think about it.

And what about Lumi? If Ji goes to jail, who'll look after her?

"Don't worry." A smirk forms on Leo's face. "Kofi's got it covered. He won't let Ji get arrested."

Kofi? What does Kofi have to do with this? "You must've been so scared." Lucky says to me. "Would you like anything to eat or drink? Some strong coffee? Or herbal tea?" I shake my head. "No thank you. Is this your place?"

"It's Kofi and Nevan's."

I look at Nevan who is leant back on the couch with his legs wide open, scrolling on his phone. They seriously live in a mansion? Where are their parents? Did one of them make those paintings I saw? Did one of them try to paint me? "They're here." He suddenly says.

Who's here?

A door opens behind me and I turn around to see Ji striding in with Kofi behind him. My heart leaps at the sight of Ji. He isn't in jail? His eyes land on mine and it's like time slows down as he makes his way toward me.

He kneels down in front of me. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" His eyes scan my body before meeting mine again. He looks worried as he waits for my answer. "No, he didn't." He sighs in relief, bowing his head for a second before looking at me. "I should've killed him when I had the chance. I can't believe he showed up when I wasn't there."

"Why?" I ask softly, hoping the others won't hear but they're all watching us. "Why did you leave?"

"I went to buy you some groceries. When I woke up, I didn't want to use any of your stuff so I decided to buy you some more things. I didn't think the store would be so full and I'd take so long."

I'm surprised. So he didn't just leave me? He went to buy groceries? I turn my head away so he can't see the tears in my eyes. That's such a nice gesture, honestly. "I wanna go home. I wanna sleep if that's okay."

He shakes his head as Bronwyn says no. "Why not? I'll clean the mess up later."

"We'll clean the mess up. You don't have to worry about it." Lucky tells me but I shake my head. "But-"

"Come to my house. Stay with me until your place is all sorted out."

"No, I can't." He rubs his thumb against my thigh. "It's alright Quinn. I'll be staying with Tobias till our place gets sorted. Stay with Ji so long." Bronwyn tells me and I know they won't let me go home. "Alright." He stands up and holds his hand out. I take it and stand up. "Bye love. Take the rest of the week off. I'll handle Mister Grim." Lucky says. I nod and Ji leads me out the ginormous house.

When I'm outside, I look back at the place and realise it really is a mansion. I get in Ji's car and he keeps his hand on my thigh the whole time. "What happened to Corbin?" I ask once we reach Ji's house.

I can't believe I forgot to ask about him. "He got arrested for vandalism. The cops were gonna let him do three years of community service and make him pay for the damages but Kofi got dirt on him and convinced them to keep him in jail for about six years. He'll be going to court but it's a losing battle. He also told us he never really held your mom hostage. It was all a lie to get you to do what he said."

I'm glad that Corbin will be behind bars. I'm afraid that when he comes back, he'll target me again. The scene keeps replaying in my head over and over again. I know for sure I won't have enough money to replace everything.

"My mom told me she was on a cruise and that she was never held hostage."

Ji turns to look at me. "Oh baby." He whispers and I almost miss it. I look up at him and I feel the tears well in my eyes again. He looks at me with such sympathy and I just want him to hug me and hold me till I feel alright.

But I'm really tired and I just want to sleep everything off. "Can we... go inside?" He blinks and we both snap out of our trance. "Yeah, sure." We get out the car and he leads me inside his house. He puts his keys on a hook near the door. "Do you wanna lay in my room or the guest room?"

"It doesn't matter."

I'd obviously like to sleep in his bed again but I'm not going to say that. We walk upstairs and he surprisingly takes me to his room. "Would you like more blankets?"

"No thanks. I'm good." I lay down in the middle and I feel him walk closer to the bed behind me. "You didn't deserve any of that." He whispers.

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