Chapter 46

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We reach a place that is just bustling with people. Women in floral dresses and long skirts sit amongst each other. Children are playing in a small play area outside, the breeze of the wind carrying their overjoyed voices. Men in suits sit alone sipping cups of coffee. Inside is just as busy. There's laughter and chatter with a smell of chocolate that makes my mouth water.

Soft pop music plays on a speaker above and the waiters are dressed in a white shirt and dress pants with a black apron tied around their waists. "We sitting outside or inside?" Lucky asks as my eyes explore each area of the pastel green and white painted walls lined with inspirational quotes and pictures of each staff worker with their names underneath in some fancy font.

The feel to this place is cozy and warm and everyone seems to have a smile on their face. It's much better than Golden Ray and I almost feel jealous. There's an area with a backdrop and a bench where people take turns sitting and taking pictures.

"Outside. We could do with some Vitamin D." Bronwyn says as we go back outside and find an empty table. The sky is bright blue without a cloud inside, a stark contrast to the hard rain that was pouring yesterday. We're surrounded by lush green bushes and trees. The grass is still a bit damp and just a bit further is a large lake with water that sparkles beneath the sunlight.

"This place is beautiful." I breathe out when Lucky takes Lumi from me, giving my arms a rest. The soft scent of milk and baby lingers on my clothes and I find it comforting. "You're a natural with her." Bronwyn comments, looking at me whilst gesturing to Lumi. "Right? It's like you're destined to be a mom." Lucky adds and I scoff.

A waitress with a burst of freckles on her cheeks and golden hair greets us with a smile. "Hi there. Welcome to Maple Crest. I'm Whimsy and I'll be your waitress." Her voice is smooth like honey and her smile refreshing as she places a leather clad menu in front of each of us. "I'll give you a few minutes." She flashes us yet another bright smile before leaving us.

I open the menu before me and look over all the options. "I'm in the mood for dessert." Bronwyn says. "Me too." I add. "We could go for milkshake and waffles. There's a brownie option for you, Bronwyn." Lucky says and that's what we decide on. Lucky takes a honey and toasted almond flakes waffle with a bubblegum milkshake. Bronwyn takes a brownie and caramel sauce waffle with a banana milkshake and I take a Nutella and mixed berries waffle with a strawberry milkshake. "Lumi doesn't need anything, right?" Lucky asks as Lumi begins to stir awake, reacting to the chatter of everyone. I shake my head. "I've got her bottle of formula here. She can have that and maybe a finger of ice cream." I add cheekily.

I remember seeing a woman feed her child some ice cream so it should be fine. As much as I don't want to admit it, Lumi is really growing on me. She's the sweetest baby ever and I can't wait to see the girl she'll grow up to be even if she's not my own. I've gotten used to holding and feeding her and I'm starting to change her nappies too.

"Are you and Ji okay?" Bronwyn asks as she looks at me. Her brown eyes gaze into my own brown ones and I think of lying just to make myself feel better. But as I look at her, I think of all the times we've spent together as friends and now as sisters. I was a loner but she made me feel less alone. She's been my best friend since the beginning so there's need to lie to her.

Not when I've seen her with braids in nearly every colour on the colour wheel or the day she picked up eyeliner and has never been without it. Or the day she revealed she was pregnant and let herself be vulnerable sitting on that hospital bed after birth. "I don't know. Probably but it's weird being around now that I know he's touched a gun. I don't know what he's done and I don't want to judge him for that but everything leading up to that moment just felt fake. It made me realise that I didn't really know Koda. I knew the one who dropped out of college and wanted to work as a bartender but I don't know the one that's been in a gang and has to keep his daughter a secret from the world."

"He's still the same as he was before." Lucky says and she bounces Lumi who's sitting on her lap wide eyed and taking in her surroundings. "I get that though." Bronwyn starts before Whimsy arrives and places our milkshakes in front of us and I take a sip of mine, feeling the cold, creamy liquid run down my throat and savouring the flavour.

"When I met Tobias, he straight up told me he's in a gang even though he wasn't supposed to. He gave me a chance to leave and not get involved but I didn't want to because he felt different. With other guys, we'd have sex on day 1 and if it felt good then I'd carry on dating them but with Tobias, we worked up to that moment. I even forgot all about sex because everytime I was with him, we just talked and talked and talked for hours upon end until it finally happened and it felt like the first time all over again. I felt vulnerable and shy but I felt loved. You and Ji have gotten the time to know each other but information like that is crucial and I think he should've told you about it himself instead of waiting and letting you find out this way."

"He told me he loves me." Both of their eyes widen and they have to hold in gasps while Lumi hits her hands against the table and laughs to herself. "When?" Lucky asks, leaning closer as if to absorb all the details. "When he was shot. We were soaking wet from the rain and the ambulance had just pulled up when he said 'I love you'. Naturally I said it too because I was afraid I was going to lose him. I don't know if I said it back because it was in the heat of the moment because we're not exclusive, you know?"

"Did you mean it though?" Bronwyn asks, leaning in too. I soft chuckle escapes my lips as I look down at the hardwood table with a glossy texture. "Before all that, a policewoman drove me to Buck's place and asked me if I loved him and I said I don't know. A part of me wants to but I don't want to get hurt. That sort of thing is reserved for couples only and even though my heart wants me to give in, my brain isn't letting me."

"That's valid." She says and Lucky nods. "Don't rush into it. You'll know when you're ready to say it because love is something you feel and until you properly feel that love, Ji's just going to have to suck it up." Lucky adds and my smile widens. "This café trip was just a gossip session, huh?" Bronwyn bursts out in laughter and Lucky furiously shakes her head. "Nuh uh. It's a girls trip."

Our waffles are soon placed in front of us and we dig in until Lumi begins to whimper and sulk. "She must be hungry." I reach into her little diaper bag for a full bottle of formula and Lucky hands her to me. I shake the bottle and take off the cap while putting Lumi in a comfortable position in my arms before I bring the teat to her mouth and she drinks.

"And you? How have you been after everything?" Lucky asks Bronwyn. Bronwyn takes a few more sips of her milkshake before tilting her head and looking at Lumi. "Surprisingly good. My body hurts but I'm not regretting my decision. I am regretting the things I did while pregnant but Tobias makes those days easier."

"You two are really meant for each other." I tell her and a smile breaks out on her face. "I know." She says softly. As I feed Lumi and feel the cool breeze on my skin, I feel grateful for Lucky and Bronwyn. Even from knowing Lucky is such a short time, I know the three are us are going to be inseparable.

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