A Moment Of Regret

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Anastasia Steele (Starlight Evans)
Carrick called and told me things were resolved and to be ready to sign a hundred books and he is sending the hundred inscriptions he has for those hundred books. He has the books shipped to his office and then to a courier who then ships it to my parents home. He stopped the editor who was demanding my presence and threatening not to publish them if he doesn't see me face to face immediately. Jack Hyde is an idiot for not publishing my works and Jerry Roach is publishing all my books he can get his hands on.
Jerry Roach
I have issues with how Hyde handled one of our best writers and one of the youngest we have had sign with us. Soon we will be under the GEH umbrella and I won't need to deal with Hyde and neither will Elizabeth Morgan in HR. It will be their problem to deal with him. People keep turning a blind eye, but Hyde is scary and I can't risk taking him on right as we are signing the papers so I can just edit books and retire soon. The money I am getting for SIP is considerable. I have no doubt that they will keep everyone but Hyde. When we get to HR they will hopefully see his history in the last two years. He has lost assistants and they just didn't show up and he wasn't surprised according to the other assistants. The other assistants don't want to work for him at all. Well one wanted to but Hyde didn't want a male assistant. I couldn't confront him with anything because no one has filed a complaint against him. No complaints nothing I can do about it. But the fact he is telling one of our best authors that if she doesn't meet with him in person or we won't publish her books ever again really makes me question his abilities to work with authors like Starlight Evans. Some authors don't want to do book signing or public appearances. When we signed her contract her attorney was present and we were told if we want her books we would be abiding by her no public appearances of any kind and her attorneys will be handling everything. We couldn't have her real name or address. Hyde was determined to force the issue even though the contract said otherwise. We would have had been sued for breech of contract. So I stepped in to prevent it from happening. I started going through and looking into whether he was trying the same thing with other authors. I had my assistant get our top authors list for me and if any of their works were sent rejection notices. Then I asked for all Hyde's rejections to be sent directly to me. I then asked if she had heard any grumbling about him for any reason. I got the list of his old assistants and their phone numbers so I could ask them about him as a boss. Asked Elizabeth to bring me his employee files along with any complaints against him.
Christian Grey
The Seattle Independent Publishing company we are completing the purchase this week. Employee files have been gone through and a red flag came up on at least one employee, which isn't uncommon. I had someone do a thorough background check on him. I call Jerry Roach and ask him a few questions about the employee and before I get off the phone he hands me another red flag and has found out that an editor of his is trying sink the purchase and he has evidence to prove the guys actions. He also thinks there is an issue with him and the number of female assistants considering the short time he has been on staff they lost a long time worker who was his assistant and then three more assistants and there were no good reasons for them to walk out. I am told he resolved one issue that could have caused a big law suit for breech of contract and he set it right. He is working on checking everything the employee worked especially the rejections. I ask him to give him very little to do until we find out about what he is really up to. I give him the other name and he goes and finds. Thomas Sawyer said his wife could go in and check things out before everything was completed and now I am glad we chose to have her do that.
This guy is really getting too close and I have been subtle about running my chair over his feet that is how close he has gotten. He was breathing on my neck and I slapped my neck like a bug was biting me. I started placing my chair in a position that I could spin it around and knee him in the groin if he got too close again. If he sat on my desk I had water ready to spill it on him. I tried other things but he demanded no personal items on my desk. I have read and commented on everything he had me read. Lunch time he had me grab him food. I started getting to know the other assistants and I hear the comments regarding Jack from a few who hoped I would be here for a long time and one hoped Hyde would be fired. She wouldn't elaborate but told me not to be alone with Jack ever.
I have waited long enough and been put through her knee in my groin and the water on my pants and the slapping me like I was a bug crawling on her neck. I call Madeline into my office and shut the door.
I start my recording and dial Thomas and tell him to turn the cctv footage in in Jacks office via text message. Now to let him hang himself high.
I have been watching you and your work is sublime. I want you to join me tonight to meet a writer who has been very difficult to get to come to the office she has agreed to meet me at the Seattle Center in the restaurant in a private dining room as long as I bring a female employee with me. Starlight Evans will not be there and I know it. I tell Maddie that the author is one of our female authors who finally agreed to meet with me only with a female employee present. She agrees to join me and tells me she has to send a text to her husband about working late and the place she will be if she is needed. I am good and tell her we will be leaving at 5pm. I set up the private room and check my supply of roofies. I am going to have her my way. She won't remember a thing. I make a reservation in the hotel near the restaurant entrance. One stop and one or two pills will assure she can't stop me from doing what I please to her. I have her take her car and meet me there so I can get everything set up.
Thomas Sawyer
It's a green light but in the Seattle Center restaurant and we get there and set things up in his room and in the private dining room. No one stops us after telling them why we are here and what might happen they start helping us and went so far in helping us do it. They want to catch Hyde badly too. It gives their restaurant a bad name along with the hotel when creeps like him think it is okay to drug and rape any of the people they bring her spouting it is a business meeting when they are really drugging and raping the employee or business associate of their choice male or female. Michelle and Michael Brown are the owners that just happened to be here when we asked about setting things up. They also manage the hotel he has a reservation at as well. They go with us to the room and record us setting things up for legal purposes.
I send a text telling Maddie we are good to go. She is arriving separately from Hyde and he has already arrived. I tell her I will set up a camera with sound on her before she goes into the private dining room. I tell her to be careful and to press her panic button if she needs to. We will be watching, but things can happen.

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