A Marriage

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We settle into married life, things are going pretty good, but we are adjusting to each other's lives and still getting our bearings. Christian had my little desk moved here and I was a little frustrated because I hadn't been asked about moving it here and once here I was told I couldn't put it in the room next to his office. I just gave up after my third attempt to put it in someplace I had it moved back to where I had it. I decided to just work on the big patio under the overhang in the shade where the table was sitting. That didn't last long because the rain prevented me from concentrating on writing. So I came back inside. I finally ask Gail where I can write at and she suggests the library and shows me where it is at. Finally I sit back and start typing away after getting settled in.
I found out that Anastasia sent her writing desk back to her home after not being able to put it in the rooms she asked about because I wouldn't let her. I had it moved here and never made a space for it and wouldn't allow her the rooms she tried to get it set up in. I go and try to find her and finally find her busy typing away in the library she is on her laptop with headphones on and hasn't noticed me yet. Her concentration on what she is typing is unbreakable. I sit and wait for her to sense my being in the room. She finally looks up and smiles at me. I have to think of a way to see that she gets her own office and I decide to put her office in Mia's bedroom because it has the best view and I will move Mia to the interior bedroom that is furthest away from the offices. It was the one she wanted originally anyway. She complained the bright sun disturbed her beauty sleep after a night out on the town with friends. Plus she could keep her sex life private. I don't know how that could work since security would inform me of any and all guests on the premises and be monitoring any activity going in and out of her room. She forgets about the cctv cameras. They are on inside the rooms but turned off only with a code that my family and staff only know.
I need to let Anastasia know about everything about the penthouse and the cameras along with all the codes. Her phone is on it's way along with her car with a built in tracker for her safety. After talking to David they already have tracking on their phones and their cars thanks to mr Steele. She will have both now. I need to let Anastasia about Mia and Elliott being allowed to use their bedrooms after they have partied a bit too hard. Their security and mine usually assure they safely make it to their rooms. They give me a heads up when there might be a possibility of staying the night. Of course after enjoying a night on the town.
After hearing Christian married Anastasia and I was going to be out and about I just couldn't go and stay at the penthouse so I stayed with a few friends houses. I know I wouldn't want a drunk brother in law arriving drunk after a night of carousing and possibly bringing his or her conquest to my hone it just would be disrespectful. I tell Mia the same thing and she agrees it would be disrespectful.
Even though Christian encouraged us to stay at his penthouse after getting drunk and inviting a guest they don't know would be absolutely unconscionable. So we have decided we might need to use one of Christian's corporate apartments at Escala instead and have security bring us a change of attire. Then I came up with the idea of keeping clothing in the apartment.
Mia and Elliott approached me about using the corporate apartments, rather than them invading Anastasia and my penthouse after getting drunk and possibly bringing guest along with them. I can't believe I didn't need to suggest this to them first. I have Jason and Gail see that both are settled in to the two separate empty apartments on the ground floor. No one has used them because they don't have a good view. Plus it is easier to get them safely into the apartments and there are more security cameras along with they are very close to the security offices for the whole building including the garage and lobby area. Both liked the idea since they can still come up and get breakfast and or lunch at the penthouse. Gail and Jason are off on weekends so Mia actually cooks if she is in the building. Plus Elliott and I are getting her all set up for her running the catering service. We found out that Gia was bad at organizing space for ultimate efficiency for her staff so we brought in a few experts to redesign it according to a few of her staff. A few had sone excellent ideas for the designs.
I was happy to know that he was thinking of our privacy as a couple and he would be right about my not wanting his siblings arriving drunk and possibly bringing one night stands into our home. I was shocked he allowed it at all. Considering his security concerns and his head of security didn't voice his concerns in regards to this being dangerous. I am betting Jason has never liked that situation and has tried to avoid it happening at all. But seeing clothing for all his family in various bedrooms I suspect they were prepared for such an event and then I was shown the security offices and you could see everything but the interior of our bedroom. Thank God. But I also found they had a full staff around the clock monitoring the penthouse and GEH at all times. They had open communications with the Grey House at all hours. I was amazed at the size of the security offices. Jason had a separate office next to Christian and Gail had her own office. I found out that she was in charge of all domestic operations around the world. She has legal training and has GEH attorneys on speed dial. No wonder she could fire Gia easily. It is under her purview. Christian says she gets paid very well and is over qualified for her job. I guess so, because she is also helping with getting Mia's company up and running by teaching a few things and giving her instructions on hiring and firing and knowing what and how and when to fire someone. She is a force to be reckoned with. Christian tells me to trust Gail about the operation of the households. Households?
Yes households, each place we own are her responsibility to keep staffed and hire and fire if needed, they all report to her. HR and payroll pay them directly, Gail checks over their household receipts and forwards them to be paid into the household accounts. Those go through accounting after Gail checks them over and okays them. One year Gail caught one of the staff using the household accounts to throw a bunch of parties. The people involved were fired and arrested for the embezzlement and the damages they did to my home. Over a hundred thousand dollars just to the house and don't get me started on what they did to my cars. Apparently the couple who were overseeing the household were killed in a car wreck and rather than inform Gail the other staff members directly u dear them thought it was a good idea to live in the home like it was their home and their property. A few people tried to call but they couldn't because they needed the jobs. They finally called us and sent photos. Elliott and I had to go and take care of charging the ring leaders and get the house back into shape and look at my cars and find out if anyone was hurt by them joy riding. It was a huge disaster. Security was fired immediately.
I bet Gail was beside herself. After all that?
She was close to the people and we made sure they had everything they need for the burial and Gail hired two couples that would co manage the homes and Jason hired better security and we now monitor all activity at each residence except of course their staff quarters. Budgets have to.be approved before the money is placed into the household accounts. It is a hard job, Gail has her own staff  that go through everything like a fine tooth comb. It hopefully won't happen again.
Gail is the one who caught the issues in the end and had it investigated and that was how you found out everything?
She definitely investigated and she alerted Jason who checked into it further. He came with us along with several other security personnel to handle what we could legally. We found drunks everywhere when we arrived. Police and my security took down everyone's names and addresses and they are still in litigation for the damages they did to my property.

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