GEH Grows

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The final payment was made for the Foster company and I now am getting profits from the company that I put back into it. SIP is now Grey publishing and it has grown by leaps and bounds. Anastasia is writing up a storm. We just found out she is pregnant and the doctor thinks it is twins. We will soon find out. The Williams moved back to the east coast. They barely had anything left after Anastasia and I got through with them. Elliott bought the homes at a real estate auction at a bargain. He flipped them and made four times what he paid for them. Their cars were repossessed and they had to buy a used van to drive across company. Their furniture was auctioned off as well. Jewelry was auctioned off as well. The jeweler was cleared of all charges and has now turned his reputation around. His partner was nothing but a thief. The last two years have really been a roller coaster ride. Mom is building a hospital with Elliott and dads help. I gave my employees raises across the board after all of us were going through the transitions with the Foster company. Bonuses were bumped as well. Two years of very hard work for everyone. I finally make it home to Anastasia and find her asleep on the balcony. I pick her up and carry her to our bedroom. She has been having morning sickness a lot lately. She barely sleeps so when she does I make sure she stays asleep. I try to at least. I go find Gail and ask if Anastasia was able to eat and keep it down?
She finally ate a good meal and kept it down. She finally fell asleep and I kept an eye on her until you arrived home. Dinner will be ready soon. He walks towards his office and I go back to showing the newest employee how to use the kitchen appliances while she is drooling at my 25 year old boss. I whisper don't even think about it if you want to keep this job.
Ginger Smith
What, huh what did you say that?
He is married to that petite brunette, you know the woman who told me to give you a chance and I did. I saw the look in your eyes and if I or anyone else catches you flirting or touching mr Grey you are going to be fired. Do you understand me?
Loud and clear. I think right now I will gain their trust and then get real chummy with them until I get my shot at Christian. He didn't even notice me or say hello to me.
Jason do me a favor find out about Ginger's last employers, she looks familiar to me. Very familiar. He pulls up the files and the name Donna and Henry Henderson stands out to me. I call and talk to Henry and he tells me about how Ginger climbed into him and his wife's bed naked during a bbq I was invited to and Donna and he with head of staff and security had to escort her off the premises after assuring she got dressed and  they searched her things and found she was stealing and she was trying to break up his marriage to Donna. He asks me if I had hired her and  told him my wife did and I had a bad feeling about her as well as Gail. Jason tried to talk her out of hiring her as well. Okay has she done anything like that before or afterward?
Unfortunately she has and you would be her idea of the perfect man and she must have went straight to your penthouse to get a job. Fire her while you can.
I have Gail and Jason come into my office and I talk about Ginger and what Henry told me about her. I have Gail call her to the office and we record everything and get her belongings together along with getting her house and car keys from her room. Her GEH badge is taken as well. Her iPad and phone is turned off after Gail text her to come to the office.
I am being called to Christian's office here is my chance to be alone with him.
I have Gail and Jason hide in my bathroom. And come out when I say to. Ginger sashays in and I have her sit in the chair in front if the desk. She pulls her uniform up and sits with it up so high you can nearly see her underwear. Then she unbuttons her to two buttons to show the top of her breasts. This might work on some men, but not me. I tell her the reason why I called her to my office is that I called Henry Henderson and he told me what happened at the bbq when they had to escort her off the property. I tell her that her employment is terminated immediately. She gets up and she rips her blouse and smacks her face and I call out come in and at that point she has ripped her panties off crying and screaming help me, help me. She hasn't noticed Gail and Jason had came out and had seen everything.
He tried to rape me, you came in just in time. I want to have him arrested now.
Call the cops and have them take her statement now. Take her to her room and have a female security and a male security watch over her u til the cops arrive. You are still fired miss Smith. I have security send me the recording of my call with Henry and then the video of everything that happened in my office. Jason had came out and got it all recorded on his iPhone. He comes back with the police and I tell them a female employee wants to press charges against me for attempted rape. Jadon leads them down to take her sworn statement. She has no idea who she is messing with. They come back and at this point Anastasia is awake and came to my office and I have her sit in my lap as I talk to the cops and show them the audio and video recordings of everything that happened in my office and Jason shows his as well. He asks me if zi want to press charges and I tell him I do and okay the recording of Henry and I told him he was being recorded before I asked him about miss Smith. I tell them I think she has done this to others as well. Anastasia grimaced and  hug her to me and tell her she can be too kind at times to the wrong people. It happens a lot. The cops arrest her for filing a false report and drag her out. I tell Gail and Jason to put her things in the storage area we rented for just this reason. They bag and tag all her things. And send it to the storage unit.
I watch and listen and I feel guilty for trusting Ginger at all. She wasn't even here a week and she tried something like this. Christian tells me that I was being too kind to someone who didn't deserve it.
I tell her she will learn from this experience and it was a lucky thing that I don't trust so easily and I recognized her from the Henderson's and called Henry and he gave me the whole story. I set everything up and had her things packed up and her GEH badge taken along with her keys to the penthouse and the car and took her iPhone and iPad along with her iMac. The rest is now on the way to storage and now she is being arrested and taken to jail. I hold Anastasia and he stomach and mine growl at each other lol. We get up and go find food.

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