Alexander And Andrew Kavanagh

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We named the boys Alexander Paul and Andrew Steven Kavanagh. Both were healthy and were thoroughly checked over by the doctors and then circumcised with mom watching over them the whole time along with security. I am so glad they didn't tell me there was an attempt at kidnapping my children. Bambi Peterson was terminated and was made very aware of her and another worker at Foster Branch of GEH. They found out who it was, but they are watching miss Peterson. Now I know why both Ethan and Prescott were looking at her the way they were. We got back to our own home finally. I am sure Christian and Anastasia are as happy as I am that they no longer have us as guests. Anastasia wrote book after book between eating and playing with her children and then her husband. I don't want to think about Anastasia and Christian playing with each other. I have five weeks until I can play with Ethan. I miss Teddy and now he is in school. I can see him telling the teacher various things. Like what he did on summer break. I am sure he or she will think he is stretching the truth, but he doesn't do that.
I am going to miss Mia, Ethan and Angel, but they need their privacy like we miss ours. Teddy has started school and Daisy and Ella are lost without him, so I am teaching them things in the kitchen and how to write their own little books and showing them illustrations for children books and how to draw their book covers as well. I then teach them other things about self defense. They really liked that, I complete there little books and send them to Grey Publishing under Daisy Evans and Ella Evans. A month later we get a contract. I talk to Christian and tell him about it and he thinks we need to have his dad negotiate the deals for them so it won't seem nepotistic. I agree with him, but I want to have a third party read the books from a critical eye. He says Roz could do that without using any names he emails the story to her and then asks her what she would do with the books.
Christian wants me to look at two books and look at them from a critical eye no holds bar. I agree to it and I am wondering who these writers might be. Anastasia has been turning out a lot of books and we are doing very well with her being in contract. She has helped draw other best selling authors to Grey Publishing. I finally read the books and they are sweet, not best sellers by any means but are books young children would want. So I tell him they are worth signing a contract with the writers. I have to see if I can get a first run of these for our children. I hope the illustrations are good. I ask Christian and he tells me it is Ella and Daisy who wrote the books and illustrated them as well. I am amazed apparently they follow in Anastasia's footsteps.
I chuckle and thank Roz for reading the books and I finally tell her they are Daisy and Ella wrote them and did the illustrations for the books. Send her the completed projects and she lives them and we go ahead and gave dad the power to negotiate the contracts for the books. The income from the books will go into a trust fund for Ella and Daisy. We are visiting Mia tonight and I am giving her a gift for Alexander, Andrew and Angel. Teddy has his first day at school, I can't wait to hear all about it. We explained to him that school is different than home and he needs to listen to the teachers and he is to be on his best behavior. He really isn't a bad child he just likes to lead other children. He has both me and Anastasia to blame for that. I explained that not all children will be lead by him and he has to adjust to that fact. I also told he doesn't have to follow anyone either.
I introduce myself to my teachers and the cafeteria workers. I also introduce myself to my classmates. Sone were very rude, but I figure they are not going to be a friend so I moved on. Dad told me that not everyone will succumb to my charms and that is fine because I won't like everyone either. We play games and draw and learn out letters and the alphabet. These are things I already know. By the end of the week a note is sent home to mom and dad they need to come in for a meeting. I am afraid that I did something bad.
I am getting tested to see what class I should be in and I am in third grade. I am learning a lot if interesting new things and I have read all the books they are teaching from and I can answer every question. Again mom and dad are asked to come in and they think I should be going to a school for children who learn at at an advanced rate. Dad is very proud and so is mom and they enroll me in a school for advanced students. I get tested and pass it for a sixth grade level. I have been reading everything and anything to learn everything I could. Daisy and Ella are busy writing and illustrating their books. I have my own computer and printer now. I get along with everyone there but one boy who thinks I am a threat to him getting a scholarship. I explain that I don't need a scholarship because my dad has enough money to pay for everything I need. He was pretty upset but I didn't know what I did to him. Dad says I didn't do anything to him and that he was sensitive about needing a scholarship. He told me not to tell anyone who we are and just keep my grades up and don't think about the young boy.
Teddy is doing extremely well at his advanced school. Except a boy is in competition with him about his academic career and while Teddy doesn't need the scholarship he was put in the running. We are going to assure that Teddy is taken out of the running for the scholarship completely. That way the other boy will get it like the other years. Brad Knight is a year older than Teddy his parents work very hard to keep him in the school. Christian thinks we should maybe create a scholarship fund for the school for children like Brad.

Three weeks later the long awaited hospital the Grace Grey had built is staffed and ready to open.
Graced Heart Hospital opens
Grace Grey
I watch as the hospital is open and we are accepting everyone to come and get treated. Everyone is here to support the grand opening. HR is taking applications for every job imaginable. We found out that Bambi Peterson applied and we threw her application into the do not hire files to keep for later. Douglas Howard came in with her and his was put in the no hire file as well. People are scanning everything into the system in separate files. I barely got to see our grandchildren this last month and Elliott and Kate have scheduled a c section. Sadly she lost the baby and she has been crying and Elliott and her went to Christian's island home to heal. The little casket just broke everyone's heart. Teddy cried at the loss of Sebastian Elliott Grey. He hugged Kate and told her that she will never forget him, but she will have him and her other nephew and nieces to give her love until she has a different baby when fate steps in. She hugs me a cries. I ask her to visit me any time she wishes to. Mom and dad tell her she can visit any time at all.
Teddy has invited Kate and I over for fishing and bbq parties and we resist, but finally he demands to come over to talk to us. He arrives and hugs us both and tells us that we all feel their pain. They just love us and don't want to lose both of us like we all lost Sebastian. I hadn't thought about it like that, so we just hug him and his sisters and his parents. We agree to go to Christian's island and try to remember we are missed and loved and all our family are there for us.
Two weeks later we feel better and it has been cathartic, but we won't ever forget our baby boy. We go to the Foster mansion to have a nice family bbq. It has all our loved ones, friends and some co workers. All give us hugs and welcome us all back. The outpouring of love is great. We play with all the children and we weren't aware that we were pregnant from our stay on the island.
Eight months later Kate gives birth to Deidre Grace and Collin Adam Grey both very healthy. Kate had an easy pregnancy this time, we changed to a different OB. Dr Fredericks was a specialist that we chose to go to.
Deidre is quiet and tiny Collin on the other hand makes his needs known. Teddy bought them gifts from his own allowance. He also got a photo of Sebastian somehow and created a collage with him in my and Elliot's arms and then a photo where he is above us like he is in heaven. I hug him and kiss his head and tell him how much I love him and how much his love means to Elliott and I.

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