Girls VS Boys

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Ethan meets us at the hospital with dr Jacobs waiting for us. I have no doubts that Teddy could be a doctor one day. For his age he is a wonder. I am cleaned up and a hospital gown is replacing my ruined night gown. I have twin boys and they are being checked over while I am watching as they take them out to get checked over as well as printing their hands and feet. David and Sawyer follow the nurses that took the babies. Prescott steps inside with a new security person named Bambi Peterson. She definitely looks nothing like a Bambi, more like a Brigette. Why do some if these security people have to be so gorgeous. Prescott doesn't seem to like her for some reason she is throwing daggers at her when she isn't looking. Ethan finally arrives and even he has been throwing daggers at her.
We have new security guards and something just bugs me about miss Peterson, not sure what it is. I am aware there is tension between Prescott and her. I don't want her around my wife and children for some reason. I ask her to have someone else take her place and she doesn't want to, but Prescott tells her to stand down and she will have someone replace her for this assignment. She leaves but she was pretty mad about leaving. Prescott calls Jason and he has three female security guards replace miss Peterson. Vera Daniels, Dawn Jeffries and Lynn Conners arrive and Prescott gives them their assignments. She goes and checks on the babies while the three wait for further instructions from Jason.
Bambi Peterson
I can't believe that bitch replaced me on this assignment. Prescott is a huge pain in my brain. Now I am going to go back to Being security at the Foster branch of GEH. I see Douglas arriving in his security garb. I tell him that I have been replaced so he is not needed at this point.
Douglas Johnson
I can't believe this, she set this all up and she screwed it up already by not applying make up to make her look uglier. No she just had to look like a fashion model. I guess she thinks she can still get something going with Ethan Kavanagh , Elliott, Christian or Carrick Grey. We leave before sometime recognizes her and for that matter me. I can't believe that they found out we were stealing from the Foster company and fired us, they got their money back since they reversed everything back into the Foster company accounts. We skipped town before they arrested us. I arranged for us to kidnap Mia's baby, we had no idea what and when but we knew where and we were alerted to their arrival to the hospital and we showed up but before I could get to the nursery to get the babies from there. Bambi drew too much attention to herself. She is lucky she wasn't fired.
I get to the nursery and David is there with Sawyer and I tell them that I sent Miss Peterson back to her previous assignment. I tell them there is no doubt she was going to do something. I tell them to look out for more than one attempt to get the Kavanagh twins. We get Jason on the phone and he made sure he got photos of the new female security sent off to me. I open the files up and they are definitely who is in Mia's room. I posted a security guard outside Mia's room. The doctor arrives to perform the circumcision. She is a bit nervous a doctor doesn't act like that. I ask her to prove who she is and then I call hospital security and she takes off running I catch up to her and tackle her. I place my handcuffs on her and call the cops. Grace arrives and she tells me that the woman isn't any doctor on staff. We find her badge and she has stolen a hospital badge. Hospital security arrives the same time that the cops arrive. Dr Grace Grey is making sure her grandsons are safe and then calls a friend of hers that does the circumcisions.
I can't believe this happened again. Someone trying to kidnap my grand children. I would like to know who is behind this. I follow the babies to surgery and assure they are safely in a trusted doctors hands. He does it quickly and does the next boy and I take the boys to their mothers room. We can keep all of them safer together. David and Sawyer agree and they head to Mia's room right by the babies. Prescott is leading the way. Jason is headed this way along with Christian and Anastasia. They have three more security people heading to Mia's room.
I can't believe that an employee tried to kidnap Mia's boys. I can't prove it, but I soon will. Douglas Carpenter had his sister pose as a surgeon her to take the twins from the nursery. Anastasia told me how well Teddy handled finding Mia and that he stayed calm and collected throughout. He told her last. He called 911, security, Ethan and then he found hi mom all while he had just cleaned blood up and wrapped his cousin in towel after cleaning him up a bit. Then security came in and took over along with the EMS teams. I am very proud of him. Anastasia said he stayed calm until they left and he asked to talk to her in her office alone. It was then he told her he was scared he would hurt his cousins and Mia, he cried and she assured him that even doctors would be afraid of hurting the babies and Mia and it was okay to feel that way, but he got through it and he did very well. She definitely is a giddy mother.
I held Teddy and let him cry and he did and we talked about everything that happened that day and I got him to realize that he might have saved all three of their lives for taking the actions he did. 
Mommy I just had to do what I had to do. I saw Mia and all that blood and then something wiggling between her legs and I checked and there was my cousin all messy with blood and some other goo on him. I grabbed a towel and lifted him gently like you showed me with Ella and Daisy. I wiped him off after handing him to aunt Mia. Security got there and then The EMT's and they said they would take it from there so I came out. I waited to make sure they were okay and went to change and wash the good and blood off me. Mommy called for me and I asked to talk to her in her office alone. I broke down into tears and told her how afraid that I was going to hurt the babies and Mia and she told me even doctors get scared that they might do the same thing. She hold me while I cry and we get word that all are well thanks to me. It makes me feel better, but I hated cleaning up that goo and blood. She laughs and told me that the rest of it will be cleaned up by someone else. I now have two boy cousins, we are equal until aunt Kate had her baby in a few months. Elliott is rooting for a boy. Kate wants a girl. Well about three months we will find out what it is.

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