Gail Terminates Gia

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I move quickly and have Gia taken away from the table and she is told to put her uniform back on by security. I pay her bill, but don't give her a gratuity. I do however give each of her staff an envelope prepared for them. They shouldn't have to pay the price for their bosses actions. I have two of them finish serving the cake and take the serving carts and dishes to wash them in the kitchen. They were very professional unlike Gia. She even said I didn't have the right to fire her. She failed to look closely at her contract. My position as house manager staffing or contracted staff is under my power to hire and dismiss at will. She violated her contract. She failed to read the part where she is not allowed to even try to socialize with the clients. It is a clause we place in there because mr Grey has had other women and men try to attract his attentions and they caused a huge problem for all concerned namely they hit on married men or women and a fight broke out. The guests spouse had had enough of the catering staff touching her husband. The contract included that all staff including the owner wear appropriate uniforms at all times. She is lucky she is getting paid. She won't be hired again.
You don't have the power to fire me and I am going to speak to mr Grey about this. I try to get to Christian and I am stopped by security. I start yelling and screaming and I see two more security and my staff are continuing working ignoring what is happening with me and the house manager. I looked at the contract and the clauses were there and my contract was with the house manager Gail Taylor. She had me escorted from the penthouse through the freight elevator. My uniform was handed to me along with my other property.
The other staff worked and followed instructions easily. One asked if they could possibly get a reference from me on how well they did. Poor guy knew he was going to need to find a new job after what Gia did. I handed him a card with my name and number on it and told him to have a prospective employer call about tonight's service and I would give him a reference based on it and it alone. I explained that it was the inky reference that I could give any of them at this point. I wished him the best though. I handed him his gratuity along with each of the others. I told security to hand the rest out and Jason and I joined everyone in the dining room to enjoy meeting miss Steele. Everything was pretty nice other than having to throw Gia out. I got to have my book signed and enjoyed learning about my favorite author. She is very young and very nice. She and Mia helped put the cake in to go containers for everyone. Everything moved to the kitchen by that time. Mr Grey had me, Mia, his mom and Anastasia sit while they cleaned the rest of the kitchen up. I suspect they were bored of the talk about the books Anastasia wrote and what might be in her new books. Mr Grey handed each of us a book signed by Anastasia. It has not been released yet.
I found out that Anastasia was trained by David after her family was killed. We talked about a lot of different things our children included. He helped me escort Gia out of the penthouse. The other security saw to it the rest of her employees cleaned everything up and left and each given their gratuity envelope. They all did an excellent job and were very respectful as they served our meals. Gail finally had to fire Gia after she was inappropriate with all the men at the dinner. She somehow had a dress that barely covered anything in both directions on and was rubbing up against all the Grey men. I could see how uncomfortable she was making them. Gail immediately had her escorted out of the room. Gail had been called away by one of the other workers. I think it was Gia that put him up to getting Gail distracted long enough for Gia to change her attire to what I call hooker attire. Grace was about to let her have it when Gail had another server take over for Gia and had her escorted out of the room. We heard yelling and screaming and then nothing. It was Gia screaming and we heard nothing else. The servers continued their work. We finally her just the noise of the servers coming and going. When all the staff cleared and cleaned the area we went to the kitchen to help with getting the cake divided into various containers to send home with the guests and had enough to give to the other staff and sone for the main fridge. Gail, Anastasia, Mia and Grace all were chatting away so we men cleaned the rest of the kitchen up. Other than Gia the dinner was spot on. This isn't the first time Gail has had to terminate a staff member or contracted employee over their oversolicitous behavior.
Gail explained how one of the servers distracted her just long enough for Gia to change out if her uniform and into the piece of material that was laughingly considered a dress. When she rubbed up against dad I thought mom was going to use her fork on her. Gail luckily got her out if the room and had another server take over while she guided Miss Matteo out of the room with the help of security. I could tell that miss Matteo didn't want to leave but also didn't want a scene in front of everyone. But that didn't stop her from screaming and yelling after leaving the dining room. Soon there was no more screaming and yelling. Gail started directing the catering staff and they followed her orders to a T. We don't talk about this at all because I will get a full report on it later. Gail had Gia removed from the penthouse. Grace was stewing and a mad Grace isn't good if you are operating a catering business. Gia won't be running her business after this. We had been having a wonderful time until Gia appeared with the huge cake not in her uniform. She was getting to close and rubbing her body against me, Elliott, Ethan and the last straw was my dad. Gail got her out of there immediately. Gia knew exactly what she was doing. After she left Ethan told us what happened with Gia at a party they used her catering service for. She was very blatantly coming on to his father in front of everyone. His mother fired her on the spot. The staff could finish up the contract but Gia couldn't be there any longer. The staff was very good, unfortunately now she won't have a company for them to work at. Gail said she was asked for a reference and she said she could give it only for this dinner, I agreed with her on that. Can't give a coverall reference for them, but they can hear about tonight's service. Gail did good.we get back to chatting with each other about things happening in general. Elliott is flirting away with Anastasia and she is rolling her eyes at his antics and asking why he doesn't have a date. Mom and dad leave and we continue to have a nice time. I invite everyone into my entertainment room to watch a movie or two. Taylor and Gail excuse themselves for the night. Anastasia had her security go home since I offered to drive her home. His wife was waiting for him at home. She didn't think it was very nice to keep him from her and his children. That got me thinking about Sophie Taylor and Gail's daughter. I need to give them something like all expense paid trip to Disney whatever so they can have family time together.
I flirt with Anastasia, but she isn't taking me seriously. Christian is keeping an eye on us and Anastasia is rolling her eyes. She finally says that I am charming but it is lost on her because she isn't interested although she thinks I am a good catch she doesn't want to catch me. She isn't fishing right now. I might have gotten offended but she is too funny in her letting me off the hook. She said there is a fisher person waiting to catch me and it will be the right one. I forgot how funny Anastasia was.
I tell Anastasia he is harmless and I sit by her and we are having a root beer float that she made all of us. It is different and it reminds me she is only 19. I ask if she might go out in a date with me soon. She thinks and says sure why not. I rarely ask someone out, it us usually women asking me out, but rarely anyone that I want to take on a date.

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