Nina's Friends

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We arrive back from our honeymoon and news about Nina's rapist. Grandpa has been handling it, but apparently her rapists were all castrated while being transported to their appeals process. We were out of the country when it happened. They also tried to say that Nina had her friends do it. But I know better than that, security keeps all of us safe including her family. In doing so they also know things and they were witnesses to the fact they had nothing to do with the rapist being castrated. All three are on life support.
Allison Devlin
I see the news about my rapist being castrated and think it couldn't happen to a better bunch of asshole rapist. Sone one did the world a favor. I was raped by them while they had my then boyfriend who is now my husband. I was pregnant by all three of these guys and they gave me an STD. I wasn't the first rape victim, they got away with it. I am sure I know who is behind this and I am not going to say a word about it. One of their victims was hurt so badly she bled out on the way to the hospital. Her family and mine were also friends with the new Mrs Grey. Nina gave her triplets up for adoption and her parents gave her up for adoption as well. The Grey family adopted her to get her away from the rapist. Denny Goodman was devastated about not stopping her from being raped by those monsters. He has connections now and I think he had this done to them when he heard they might overturn their convictions. They always got off because they were wealthy and had influence. There are types of people who break the law and still walk free but there are others who break it to get justice for victims. They go inside the priding just long enough to teach lessons. They are people you would never suspect in a million years. I am sure they are the ones who did this. The news says there is no evidence or witnesses, so there won't be anyway to find the attackers. Darren tells me that we shouldn't care what happens to those monsters. Soon after they all have passed away painfully.
I hold her and thank God they didn't kill Allison, I had a concussion but I was worried about Allison. Those guys have a lot of enemies, it could be anyone at all. So many rapes, so many enemies. Your money didn't get you out of this did it I think about how they paid the first girl off. Then they had to pay for the death of one of their rape victims. I just don't understand how they walked on that one.
Allison called me and verified that I wasn't in the United States when our rapist was castrated. I tell her if I wanted to do that I would have done that before they tried to rape my younger sister. I have no idea who would have castrated them. But I am sure that it was because of their attacks in females if any age and race. Teddy and I have talked about finding a home to live in, but apparently he was offered an apartment in Escala three floors away from his parents penthouse. He shows me what it looks like and I agree to live there because it has a lot of security. Right now those rapist friends are seeking revenge. My friends outnumber any they have and now I know how to defend myself.
The cops think they have a lead on who might be behind the castrations.. I ask them why they are talking to me about it then. Shouldn't they be out talking to other people. They think friends of Nina had something to do with castrating them. I tell them if her friends did it, she wasn't involved in it. The parents of the rapist are up in arms and crying out fir justice for their sons. Where were they when their sons were raping young girls? They only look after their own even if they know they are guilty. I tell them if they want to talk to my family and Nina's family they have to go through me.
I was there when the guards brought in the men who had raped Nina. They had to be rushed to surgery and they were put in life support and they died soon after. Their parents were out for blood and they wanted to know how their sons were hurt in prison and who was guarding them. I just couldn't stand by and listen to their parents any more. I render treating Nina for rape and it was awful, we can't say anything to them about how we feel about these bastards. I ask off the case telling them it I have a conflict of interest. They find someone else to take my case. Within three hours all mysteriously die within tens minutes of one another.
I call Nina and tell her the cops asked questions if I knew if Nina had anything to do with the castrations to the rapist. She tells me she just wanted behind bars not dead. I ask her if she knows anyone who wants them dead art all.
A lot wanted them dead and could easily have killed them way before now. But the timing is suspect. He talks about everything related to my rape and I tell him there are some people who hadn't reported their rapes. I told him that I did know there were quite a few and sone of them had family that would have buried the guys rather than allow them a jury trial. I am just aware that there are more victims and a few were paid off, but the one rape victim that stands out is the one they hurt so badly she bled out in the way to the hospital. I promised her family not to tell anyone this story and Carrick promised he would never tell about it. But if it is discovered he can't help it. We hug and he us happy we are home and safe.
Everyone loved the wedding they want to plan there children's wedding like that as well.

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