Match Made

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I worked hard to get a date with Kate and I blew it, well not me exactly two of my exes decided to corner her in the restroom. Boy did they make a huge mistake by taking a swing at her. Luckily there were two more people in the restroom and saw my exes start the fight. Both had the upper hand but Kate apparently decided to train in martial arts and it didn't take long until both of my exes to end up on the floor. I only saw the security asking her questions and got worried they had definitely try to hurt her face. Then I saw two gurneys and two female cops cuff my exes to the gurneys along with two male cops taking statements. I walked to her and asked her if she was okay and did we need to take her to the hospital? The cops recommended that we take her to assure she was okay because the witnesses said she took a beating.
I was having fun with Elliott and he was very attentive and I needed to use the ladies room. I was done in the stall and washing my hands when two young women came in and told me they were Elliott's exes and they want me gone. Both attacked me at the same time two older women watched as I turned the tables on the two women and they ended up on the floor luckily security was called and then cops and ambulances. Two female cops entered the restroom and asked who started it and the older women pointed to the women on the floor bleeding and unconscious. They described everything and told the cops they were exes of her date according their comments to me. I finally was able to confirm what they both said. Elliott came to my rescue and asked if he needed to take me to the hospital the female cop told him that I needed to see a doctor and to get me to the ER right away he paid our bill and we left immediately. They had to put a cast on my arm because my arm was broken my eyes were starting to look bad too. They took photos of all my bruises did a scan to make sure they didn't break anything else. My hands had to be bandaged after the took blood samples from them. Elliott was very apologetic for his exes behavior.
I told her she must not ever want to go out with me after this, but she said that I can't help what my crazy exes do. She also said that this is going to be on the front page of her parents newspapers on line and off and it would dissuade any more of my exes from coming at her again. She took photos of the girls laying bleeding and unconscious. She said she was having a good time until my exes ruined it. She agreed to go out with me again. So I arranged a date for us and we can go someplace quiet. I invited her to apartment agreeing to being a gentleman. I am going to be a gentleman and try my best to win this one over. It is going to be hard because she already knows me well. Kate has me wanting to keep seeing her.
We have been spending a lot of time together going out to dinner and spending quiet evenings at his apartment. He is a funny sweet guy. He has been a real gentleman and has helped me through this process. I was trained in self defense but hadn't needed it until his exes attacked me. I have to testify against the two young women along with the other women. We have seen each other every other day. He has taken me to his family dinners and we are getting a lot closer. His parents have invited us over, they are in laws after all. I asked if he felt weird dating because my brother is married to his sister and he laughed saying we aren't blood relatives we can even marry if we wish to. I told him that I thought he wasn't going to get married or have children and he chuckled and said that was the plan. He smiles and says plans change. I laugh at him and say they sure do I planned never to date you.
That's true you definitely did tell me you would never date me. I think you changed your mind about that. Which I am very glad you did. We relax and watch the movie and start kissing between the best parts of the movie. I usually move fast, but I can't think straight when I am around Kate and I really like her. I usually just keep numbers and call when I get an itch and either go out and find someone or do a late night call. But since we started hanging out, I enjoy her company and we both love sports and she can kick my ass on the mats. She showed me her skills after her arm healed and I showed her mine. We workout together now. I got her a membership to my gym and it might have been a bad idea because a few of the guys have hit in her. I laid claim to her and informed them she was my girlfriend. That shocked me as well as them, now to ask Kate if she will be my girlfriend.
He bought me a membership to his gym so we could workout together and hone our self defense skills. Then guys were hitting on me, so he made sure I was okay and stayed by me after that and later he asked me to be his girlfriend. I chuckled and asked if he is asking me because the guys at the gym were hitting on me and he got jealous?
I told her yes it was, but I really do want her to be my girlfriend. She agreed to be my girlfriend and we agreed only to see each other at my suggestion. I can't see her with anyone but me at this point. Mia and Ethan have just had the first little angel called Angel Marie Kavanagh. She got pregnant on her honeymoon. She had me build a nursery in the building she runs her business out of there. I hold my niece and see her precious face and I want this feeling with my own child. Kate is sitting next to me and I ask her if she wants children?
Elliott and I are visiting our niece Angel and he is holding her in his arms and he is smiling down at the tiny girl and turns and asks me if I want children? I said yes a couple of them. We have barely told each other we love each other and he whispers will you marry me and have my babies please?
She kisses me and says yes and yes. I tell her I need to buy her a ring and our wedding bands. I know it will be a huge wedding and I ask her if she wants a big wedding or a small one. She smiles and says it has always been her dream to have a big wedding. All the bells and whistles and her father has the money set aside for her wedding. Apparently her mother has already made her dress and her shoes are bought. Her trousseau is complete with her choice of colors as well. She has a dream wedding book she created as a teenager.
Are you okay with a big wedding?
As long as you are my wife at the end of the day I will go through all the wedding stuff for you big or small.

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