Nina Grey

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Nina had her triplets all had different father because she was gang raped. We named the boys James Carrick and Oscar Elliott, the little girl is Audrey Lynn Grey. Nina has been getting the best education possible and she is allowed to see her parents with security close by. The boys who raped her has threatened to rape her again if they see her. Kate is having her train with her in self defense and she seems to be getting stronger and more confident.
I had three security guards go with Nina to visit her parents. We found out the rapist were waiting for Nina to arrive at her home to try to rape her again. They hadn't expected to be caught before they had a chance to rape her again. They are now in jail since they violated the restraining order and the protection order and they violated their parole. All three were caught by the cops in the act of violating their parole by being in her neighborhood alone. They broke in through her bedroom window waiting for her in her bedroom. The cops found the waiting to ambush her again. They won't be out for a very long time. They had no idea that she would be prepared for their attack on her as soon as they knew she was going to be home to visit her parents and get the rest of her things. Kate and I were worried at first, but we realized she is a good person just has had a difficult life. We have her enrolled in a private school.
We talked it over with our children they wanted to talk to her before we decided on adopting her. We all decided she would be a good addition to the Grey family. Deidre and Collin are about a year younger than Nina. Nina has tested out of her freshman and sophomore courses. She is quiet and her grades are near perfect scores. We have security on her and they stand in the hall waiting for her to get out of each class. Her triplets are healthy they all look like their fathers. James, Oscar and Audrey are all very different looking. James us a blonde blue eyed boy, Oscar is a red head with freckles. Audrey has dar brown hair and brown eyes. Mia has a few concerns, but she has yet to meet Nina. So until she has met her she has no voice in the matter. Angel and Nina go to the same school but Nina is in advanced everything. She had to do hone schooling so she had to keep up 9n everything and then sone. So rather than lay there like a slug she decided to get her education. Her mother got her books and she passed tests and tested out of courses.
Ethan, Angel, Alexander and Andrew go visit Kate and Elliott and to meet Nina. We arrive and mom and dad were there as well, apparently mom was the one who told Anastasia about Nina wanting to give up her triplets. I was thinking about it and shouldn't had offered me and Ethan first dibs on the triplets. I decided to ask mom that question and her comment was that she thought that Anastasia would be able to write her books and take care of the triplets plus Charlie along with Teddy, Daisy, Ella and Christian. She then reminds me of the fact I am running myself thin again. Plus the loss of the ability to have any more children was difficult for her. Kate was the obvious choice for Nina to be adopted by as well. But she knows an orphan that really needs my guidance and a home if I think I can be her parent. So I agree to meet her.
Mia might not want this baby after she finds out who the mother of the baby is. But she gave up little Christina Grace Williams. Leila was raped by two male prison guards and she has to give her up. She had the baby in prison and the potential fathers can't have her either because they are in jail awaiting prosecution. They had to sign all their rights away. The baby needs a home quickly before the foster care gets her in their grasps. No family members want her around. She is two weeks old and had to have a brief stint in the hospital. She was a preemie due to another prisoner attacking Leila because she was pregnant with what she considered her men's baby. Mia and Ethan look at the baby and they decide to get a closer look and Christina grabs on to Mia's finger and starts sucking it. She did the same to Ethan. It was like she knew they were her parents. They had already talked to Angel, Alexander and Andrew and they want her to come home and be there sibling.
Christina has arrived and she is beautiful and she could pass for aunt Anastasia just as a baby. Mom showed us a picture of Leila and she does look similar to aunt Anastasia. But Anastasia has something about her that just glows. Leila has dead eyes and it comes through in her photos. But Anastasia has eyes that speak of kindness and love for others. Mom and dad ask if we are sure about adopting Christina?
We will ask Anastasia and Christian before we adopt her, but I suspect they will see her as she really is an innocent baby. We talk to the whole family about it and none of them hold the actions of her mother against her. So we sign the adoption papers for us to raise Christina as ours. Carrick thinks it was the right move to adopt Christina no matter who her mother is.
I fell in love with Christina the second I saw her. I was then told her back story and it made want her in our family even more.

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