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We move Anastasia into my penthouse and we assure her staff are still willing to work for her and now me. She was looking to sell the house her family left her and buy a new home so we decide to look for a place but keep the other home as well. We can let her staff stay there and still work for us to assure they have employment. The one thing I need to do first is have our wills updated. She is very comfortable with her inheritance and her book earnings. She has no clue how much I am worth and hasn't asked either. My family might not be so happy at my eloping with Anastasia, but that's something they will just need to get over fast.
I am glad to have chosen to marry Christian and eloping was a perfect idea. My staff had weddings and it took a great chunk of their money to throw a dream wedding. I helped them out on locations. One of the things I inherited was a luxury hotel downtown Seattle. I kept it and renovated it and had security go over and made sure everything was good and then had a computer genius check it along with the security team. We are having our wills drawn up. I leave him mine and he leaves me his. I have signed all the papers for insurance and he has signed everything to include me on his healthcare and anything else benefit wise. I have had to take a break from reading all the fine print on the documents. We eat lunch that was brought in for us. I have my security badge and my face is added to their system. Christian hasn't told his family yet and once he does I can change my name on all my documents. Christian says we can come back and fill out the rest of the documents later on and turn them in to HR and the attorneys. I get a call from David and the paparazzi are outside the gates. I tell Christian and he says unless they need to go somewhere they should stay put for now.
Christian Grey has asked us to stay put after hearing the paparazzi are outside the security gates. He asks me if there is a landing area for his helicopter. I think and tell him there a place that might be big enough for landing but it isn't inside the security fence. I tell him that we might be able to distract the paparazzi long enough to get inside the back entrance of the fence. Then I realize the helicopter would definitely alert them to someone is landing close by. But they can't see the area from the front because a tree line blocks the view from the road. They finally arrive and we distract the paparazzi at the gate by driving two cars up to them with my wife who can pass for Anastasia behind the tinted windows.
All of us wait for the blades to stop and duck very far down and head to the waiting guard and through to the house. This will be strange. David comes in from outside with a woman Anastasia build and height in a long wig. We are introduced to mrs Rollins and Taylor nods at him. Suddenly several children run through to get to the kitchen for what looks like a snack. Then three more came walking through eyeing me. One said hey aren't you Christian Grey? I tell him I am indeed. He just shakes his head and says I just don't see it. He then says something about all the women are drooling over me and he just can't see why. I told him I am just as clueless too. He then says it must be the billions and you are well built and young. Well you better not cheat on Anastasia or I will kick your ass. The adults tell him not to use that language again and they scoot him into the kitchen.
We start organizing my move to Escala. I call for a short meeting with everyone. Soon I am letting everyone knows that I am moving in with Christian since we are married now. I tell them things are going to be the same, just that I will be living at Escala. Everyone will still be working for me. I will come and go and at times they might be needed to help out at Escala along side Jason Taylor and Gail Taylor. Communication and cooperation between the two groups will be necessary and they will need to rotate going to Escala to learn the way things work as the staff at Escala will need to rotate down here to learn things about this place. We end the meeting and everyone goes back to their schedule. I lead Christian up to my bedroom and I start packing important things in suitcases and a few storage tubs.

Carrick was pretty disgusted with Gia Matteo at the birthday dinner and we were going to spread the word on her only to find out everyone knew her behavior was horrid around wealthy men. I swear I wanted to stab her with a fork for rubbing up against Carrick.
I show Grace the picture of Gia and that she has married of all people Grace's lovesick suitor in college. He is a billionaire and has one foot in the grave. Gregg Foster was twenty years Grace's senior when he asked her out over and over again. Bought her expensive gifts and she tried to give them back but he wouldn't take no for an answer.
I laugh because I know what Gia is up to. Gregg Foster forced her to sign an iron clad prenuptial agreement. And he has an ironclad will that she will be left very little if anything at all. Carrick said he couldn't tell me how he knew but Gia signed her life away with that pre agreement. Apparently she's not the kind to read the fine print. She can't work at all, she has to dress exactly in what he asks her to dress. Her catering company is losing business and I think Mia wants to see if she can buy the company and keep the current staff because they were excellent at their jobs.
Attorney James Collins
It didn't take long for Gia to bring on a heart attack of mr Foster not even a week after their marriage. His will didn't include his new wife yet. Gia is going to fight this will. I am the executor of his estate. We are looking into if Gia did something to mr Foster. The surprise is who is inheriting his vast estate. Grace Grey was left everything.

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