Attorney Theodore Grey

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I was so very proud when Teddy or should I say Theodore passed the bar, but he also passed his medical boards and he is also a pediatric surgeon. Then he let's us all know he has his business degree. He has decided to write a book as well. We then find out he has a girlfriend. When we find out who it is we have some real concerns. I mean they are not blood relatives but they are considered cousins. They have talked this out before coming to talk to the family before they go any further. I shake my head and think about this. Nina didn't approach him he fell for her when they first met. They tried hard to stay away from each other. But they found it hard since family events and other things kept throwing them together.
I am glad Teddy has found someone, but not sure what to think about this whole situation. Kate has a few things to say about it, and so does Elliott. We are just as confused and not sure how to deal with this. I mean they aren't blood relatives and it isn't incest but they have decided to go with what we say, even though their hearts will break. They want us to make this decision. They have not consummated their relationship. We ask them to let us talk about it privately.
I can see they really love each other and even though they are related because of the adoption. I think we should think long and hard about how we would feel if it were any of us in this situation. Both have level heads on their shoulders and they know the consequences of dating and possibly getting married might be. I am okay with them going forward.
Teddy and I had long talks about this and I have made the same choice as Anastasia. But Nina is not my daughter so it is really up to Kate and Elliott.
Nina and Teddy came to us separately and they really want to get married. I listened to them both and then separately and they have really thought everything out. Kate was a little upset at first, she then heard them both and she weighed it all out.
Nina and Teddy made very compelling views on the pros and cons of their relationship. They convinced me that they had thought this out completely. So I agreed to them marrying each other. By the time they spoke to me they had decided that getting married after Nina gets her college degrees. He already has the engagement ring, his grandmother Steele's wedding rings his mother gave them to him when he turned 18. Who were the Steele's, that was a custom made wedding ring set with IF diamonds in the rings. Not small diamonds either. He has the original appraisal and the updated one as well. The rings were amazing. I am still waffling back and forth.
I have to follow what Kate decides on this. I know where this will go and how it will end. They will marry anyway. I think the girl deserves a big wedding after everything she has went through.
I am like Ethan on this point, it is Teddy and Nina's decision in the end of this debate. Both made compelling points for and against. Ethan and I support them in everything so why stop now.
I am on their side and I agree with Elliott the girl deserves a big wedding. Everyone one is finally in agreement and we decide to let them make the choice and will support their decision no matter what, they finally tell us.
We are getting married, I asked her and gave her the ring. We will get married at the Foster mansion. Her real parents are joining us. She has just passed her test for her last degree. I knew it would take sone time, but in the end they let us decide for ourselves. My family has always used logic in their decision making.
I can't believe I found the love of my life because of getting raped. It was like I went through hell to find him and a better life than I ever had. Both of us fell for one another. We have decided to marry at the Foster mansion and Grace has given us the okay. We are 19 and 20 so we aren't legally able to drink but we don't drink anyway. My real parents are coming to the wedding both my fathers are escorting me down the aisle. I chose my own wedding dress off the rack. Very simple. Mia is catering everything well her company is. I have three degrees and I decided to become an attorney and become a child advocate attorney. I won't make much, but I will help at risk children. I thank God everyday for meeting Teddy. We have a big wedding but we want it to be informal. Teddy told everyone casual clothing and everyone is thrilled when it was a bbq kind of wedding. I think we blew everyone's mind about this, they drive up to the huge estate feeling underdressed to find out they were dressed correctly. No rehearsal dinner no bachelor or bachelorette party. No engagement announcement. The minister had a wonderful time he stayed almost until the end. Teddy had me get my passport because we are flying to a place I always want to go to. Scotland and stay in a castle. He arranged it all and we are taking his dads jet. We had a wonderful wedding and everyone enjoyed themselves both sets of my parents were getting along greatly. My younger sister is now attending college and she us safe from the boys who raped me. They threatened to rape her if testified against them. We got them videotaped and the threat was taken very seriously, she was a minor and they weren't just like they did before. It was the violating the protection orders and restraints orders were violated that put them behind bars for a while. We used the recording to show they were a danger to my sister.
She throws her simple bouquet and her sister Denise caught it. We head out with security around us and we will live like this pretty much the rest of our lives. I can find it obtrusive at times, but for Nina it is a blessing and she feels safe.

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