An Unidentified Woman

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We can't figure out who the woman is in the photos we got from the video cameras. Then something catches my eye. I look closer at the screen and I then have someone find out where Leila Williams is currently living. We have found out that she was last seen in Seattle. She has a way of losing our security. We think she or someone built like her was trying to take Theodore. After the kidnap threats we had her as one of the threats along with her parents. Her parents died in a car wreck on their move to the east coast. Leila survived the crash. We don't know where she went after that but she was left with their life insurance which was over a million dollars each.
I tell Jason to find her and keep people watching 24/7. But keep looking for someone who also might be the person in the videos along with the car and person who were chasing us. I can't think that this is just one person. I am thinking multiple people are involved. The driver chasing us couldn't have been Leila, they just got too close to us and she was never a good driver. Even Mia was scared to ride with her. Have we checked to make sure both her parents were indeed killed in the crash?
I have someone looking into it and so far they are hitting walls. We are still looking into it and anyone who might be interested in helping them get revenge by kidnapping them. I just wished we had more because we can't seem to get clear images on anyone.
We have Leila in our sites again and we have been following her, we were able to put trackers on her car. We also found out where she has been staying. Remember Lily Johnson? Why miss Johnson would allow her to stay at her home makes me question whether they were really friends. Because she helped with the breech of contract resolution. There must be something wrong with the whole situation. So far we haven't seen miss Johnson since we trailed miss Williams to her home. We can't have anyone knock on the door without alerting someone to our presence. We are watching and waiting. Our fears are that miss Williams has done something to her or holding her against her will.
Suddenly the alarms go off in the penthouse. We have very little time to get everyone in the safe rooms and I see Anastasia has Theodore already inside the one in the nursery. We close the nursery doors and the person is caught. But there are three others Gail is in her safe room. Christian isn't in his, he is with us. We have him go into the security's safe room. We call back up and the police. I see David laying on the floor outside the elevator doors. We have to call in more security and the cops. We lock down the doors and windows. We allow only access to those security people who have keys and codes along with the phrase. We have ten people in each elevator along with a group coming up in the other elevator to the stairs. The cops are also headed up. They arrive and we get the phrase from our security and it doesn't take long to contain the situation. We subdue the ones roaming loose they put up a fight and shots were fired unfortunately. Slowly but surely they give up. In the end two dead and three shot. Leila Williams parents are now confirmed dead, Leila is arrested in the nursery. A man we don't know is laying injured on the floor. Later we find out that he is miss Williams husband Jeremy Davis.
I am finally filled in on everything after we have to take David to the hospital to be treated. Apparently the Williams family came back to Seattle and plotted to kidnap me and my baby and if they could they were going to take Christian hostage for a lot of money. They really got close to doing it, too close. They had counted on safe rooms or being outnumbered and the apartment having such a good  set up to be able to lock them into a room and them not be able to shoot the door off it's hinges and they could be electronically closed and locked. I thought Christian was being a bit paranoid now I think he wasn't being paranoid enough.
We are having to leave the apartment and stay at Anastasia's home in the guest rooms security will be waiting here we'll not Jason and Sawyer. Collins will be CPO to Anastasia now. David was the one who set the alarms off right before they knocked him out. The second the alarm went off I ran to the safe room like I have been instructed. We all have been instructed to do it and allow security to do their jobs.
Those upgrades were well worth it, plus the upgrades on the panic buttons to include setting off the home alarm systems. Barney also had a hand in the electronic doors to make sure we could contain the criminals or to block them from getting to their potential victims. David was getting in the elevator when he was surprised by the four of them and he had no choice but to bring them up to the penthouse and allow them inside. He set the alarms off just before they knocked him out. When we looked at the footage we found that Jeremy was the one at the hospital and he drove the car that chased us. We found out that miss Johnson was on vacation. She had forgotten that Leila had a key to her home. She had nothing to do with any of the Williams plans. She won a trip for a month all expenses paid and she couldn't pass it up. She was telling the truth, she was suspicious and called to make sure it was legitimate.
We caught these four and it makes a lot of sense. They will be facing a lot of jail time. Leila will be facing more because she got the insurance money, well she presented death certificates for her parents and got the checks, but her parents took the cash. They planned kidnapping Anastasia but she became pregnant and when they chased us I plotted with her OB to get her on bed rest so I could keep her safe. Sadly they were able to get in the penthouse anyway. Miss Johnson was contacted while still on vacation and gave permission for the cops to use the key that Leila had to get into her home to search. They used a uhaul truck to get into the garage. The tracked cars were still at miss Johnsons home. It had things to assure Theodore's safety but nothing to assure Anastasia's safety. The cops are investigating and my security are on site and answering questions and giving them copies of everything that happened that day. Two roughed up prisoners and two dead criminals.

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