Chapter 29: Book Of Gates

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Written By: DGrayManLover

Chapter 29,

-Fabian's POV-

I was startled awake in the middle of the night whenever I heard the door to my shared room with Eddie and the new guy, Aidan, open up. My eyes dart over to see no one other than Aidan returning to the room. Did he use the restroom or something?

I watch him closely, he was clearly unaware that I was awake because he never spared me a single glance. I hear him sigh before he sits down on his bed and pulls out something from underneath his arm.

It looks like a book? He lays back in his bed and begins flipping throughout the pages of the book. Who in the heck reads at like four in the morning?

I mean I guess I can't say much because Sibuna is usually out late as well, but reading? Seriously?

Aidan read for a little bit longer before sighing once more. He looks around the room and I force my eyes shut, he didn't catch me right?

I slowly open my eyes whenever I hear him shuffling around some more. I scrunch my eyebrows together confused as he shoves the book into his pillow case. Was he hiding it? Did he not want us to know that he read at four in the morning? I mean its not really something to be embarrassed about.

He finally lays down and I let myself relax. But I really want to know what he was reading.


The next morning while Aidan was in the restroom I creep over to his bed. I look around before shoving my hand into his pillow. I felt the hard backing of the book before pulling on the spine to pull it out of the pillow case.

It looks really old, I turn the book over to examine the title. My eyes widen and the book falls from my hands onto his bed.

I blink a numerous amount of time before looking back down at it.

The Book Of Gates.

What was he doing with this piece of ancient Egyptian history?

More importantly where did he find it? I pick it back up and open it up. A piece of paper falls out onto his bed. I pick it up and realize its a map, a map of the maze in the tunnels below the house.

I quickly pull my phone out of my pocket and snap photos of the map. I hear footsteps coming down the hall. Crap, I push the map back into the book and shove the book back into his pillow case.

I rush over to my bed and pretend I'm messing around on my phone.

The door opens and Eddie steps in. I sigh relieved, before waving him over.

"What?" He says as he sits on the end of my bed.

"Aidan has the Book Of Gates."

His eyes widen. "How?"

"I don't know, its in his pillow case." I jab my index finger towards his white pillow.

"Should we take it?"

"No, he'll know that one of us took it." I sigh. The door opens and Aidan steps in with Jerome and KT.

I give Eddie a look. Since when did those three start hanging out together? Jerome has a prominent smirk on his face whenever he enters. Is he up to something?

Eddie and I watch the three of them as they lightly converse about classes. Aidan grabs a hold of his backpack and turns his back to us. He starts shoving random things into his bag, one of those random things probably being the Book Of Gates before I catch him staring at that photo of the Anubis residents again.

Was he staring at Gracie again?

I often found that he stared at her whenever looking at the picture. Could have something to do with the fact that he showed up as her boyfriend in my Senkhara dream? Or am I just over-thinking the fact?

They head out and Eddie whips his head towards me. "Emergency Sibuna meeting now!"

I nod and text Nina. Eddie texts Patricia before heading over to get Alfie.


"He has what?" Nina gasps. Both Amber and Sophie glance at one another sharing a confused look.

"Yeah and a map of the maze." I pull out my phone and show them the picture.

"Do you think he's been down there?" Patricia asks.

"I don't know. It would be hard for someone to get around by themselves, don't you think?" Alfie notes.

"I think he has been down there, along with Jerome and KT." I sigh.

"Jerome?" Alfie's eyes go wide. "He did come back really late last night, but he said that he was talking to Mara."

Patricia scoffs. "That's a lie. Mara was in bed the entire time. Trust me I'd know, she kept me up all night talking about that guy she's been texting."

Alfie bites his lip. "So then they are together as a group."

"This can't be good." Nina sighs. "We can't have two groups going down separately solving the clues. What if they make it before us and we don't find out about it until after the fact?"

"What are they looking for anyways?" Amber chimes in.

"Yeah, if Jerome is in on it, it must be money or riches?" Patricia leans sits down onto Eddie's bed, while Eddie stands.

"They do know that this isn't a treasure hunt, right?" Eddie exclaims. "Gracie's life is at stake here, they can't just go messing around down there screwing things up."

I sigh, that is very true. If they screw this up there is no way to get Gracie back. The clock is counting down until she runs out of time.

"We need to confront them." Sophie speaks up for the first time. "I will not have them messing this up."

We all nod.

"Sibuna." Amber smiles doing our signature pose.

"Sibuna." We all reply.


A/N: Its been so long, lol I actually wrote this out and then realized that I spelled Aidan's name as Aiden. I had to go back through and change all the E's to A's.

Sorry for not updating for quite some time again! I'm really sorry, college has hit me with a bang and I've been crazy busy! I hope you liked this chapter, by the way this story is nearing its end soon! Maybe five more chapters, depending on how I work out the plot...

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