Chapter 26: The Other Side

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Written By: DGrayManLover
Chapter 26,
--Nina's POV--
"It's weird that the tunnel entrance is in this couch." Sophie beams. I put my palm to my face, why does she choose to be a dits when we go into the tunnels?
"Remind me why we brought her again?" Patricia growls.
"She found all the clues last time. Besides she's the next best thing to Gracie." I sigh. "Well, Gracie is in her now anyways."
"But still, didn't Isis take control of her last time you guys went down there?" Patricia retorts.
"Yeah, but we did find the other eye of Horus with her help." I finish.
"Come on guys." Fabian cuts in. The shelf closes behind us and I turn, for some reason I feel like someone is watching us.
We all enter the tunnel and head to the first room. Fabian makes Alfie, Amber, Patricia, and Sophie stay over at the entrance. Patricia and Amber glance down the chasm and glance back up at me.
"You really went down there?" Amber eyes me.
I nod, "It wasn't that bad."
"You're so brave." She backs away from the edge and stands next to Alfie.
I turn back around and cross the bridge to the middle. There was no doubt that this contraption in the middle was meant to be a clock.
"So, it's a clock right?" Fabian turns to me.
I nod, "I think we need to put in both of the eyes of Horus and move the clock counter-clockwise till the stars match up with one another."
"Okay." Fabian nods and puts his hand out toward me. I pull the moon eye locket out and drop it in his hand.
"Let's do this." Eddie mutters.
I head to the sun side and find the lock for my locket. I place it in and turn to see Fabian doing the same on the moon side. "Ready?" He sighs.
"Yeah." We begin to move the sun hand until it's almost at where twelve o'clock would be. Then we move the moon hand up to where 12 would be. All the stars match up and then the room begins to shake.
"Sophie, where are you going?" I hear Amber scream. I quickly turn to see Sophie walking along the edge of the circular room. She wasn't sticking close to the wall either, she was closer to the edge than the wall. She stops and turns toward the wall, she brings her right hand to it and the room begins to shake again. The wall begins to pull apart, a doorway opens up and she falls in.
"Sophie!" Patricia starts to go after her along the wall. "That idiot."
"Patricia, be careful." Eddie jogs back to where Amber and Alfie are standing.
Patricia makes it over there and cautiously steps through the wall. She peeks back out, "She's okay. I think she found the way to the next room."
Eddie heads over and makes there shortly after, "There's a stairwell." He gives me and Fabian a look. Sophie definitely wasn't the one to find it, it was Isis once again.
Then all of the sudden a cracking noise comes from the entrance tunnel.
"What was that?" Fabian's eyes go wide.
"You don't think the entrance tunnel shut, do you?" I say quickly.
"Alfie, go check it out." Eddie nods toward the entrance.
"Why me?" He sighs and heads out only to return moments later. "There's nothing different."
"Okay, good." I sigh.
"No not good. If there's nothing wrong then why did the tunnels make that noise?" Fabian glances at me.
"Guess we'll find out some time soon." I head back across the bridge and everyone heads toward the new room. Once I make it over I see that Sophie's against the wall with her head inbetween her knees.
"What's wrong?" Fabian asks bending down to her level.
She lifts her head out from between her legs, and her eyes are soaked with tears. "Fabian, help me." That wasn't Sophie's voice.
"Gracie?" Fabian glances up to me. I shrug and look at Sophie as she stands.
"Wait, what's going on?" She frantically looks around the space. "Who are you people?"
"You know me right?" Fabian asks, placing a hand on her shoulder.
She backs away, "No. Who are you?" How does she not know? She just said his name. She falls back onto her butt and blinks a couple of times.
"Gracie?" Fabian falls back into a crouching position.
"Man, my head hurts." Sophie's voice was back. Fabian quickly stands and turns to the wall rubbing at the back of his neck. Patricia pulls Sophie into a standing position.
"Let's stop messing around and take a look at the next room." Patricia gives a concerned look at Fabian before turning to head up the stairwell.
The stairwell was short and we soon found the second room. It was a maze.
"Might as well give up now." Alfie mutters.
Amber slaps his arm. "Don't say that." She whispers loudly.
"Well, I meant for tonight." He turns away.
"He's right." I mutter. "There's no way we are getting through a maze in the remainder of the night."
"Yeah, that's true." Eddie heads toward the stairs.
- - - -
--Aidan's POV--
"Hey, what are you doing?" I hear a voice. I had just exited the cellar. I look over to my right and see a guy standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Nothing." I tighten my grip on the Book of Gates.
"They didn't recruit you for Sibuna already did they?" He growls.
"What's Sibuna?" I raise an eyebrow.
He laughs. "Seriously, I just want to help them out and they never invite me along."
"Wait, you're not in their little group?" I ask surprised. "I thought everyone was in it but me."
"Wait, so you're not in it?" He repeats my question back to me.
"No." I shrug. "I just followed them."
"I"m not in it either but I know about them. They sneak out almost every night solving the mysteries of this stupid house. They don't trust me." He sighs. "I'm Jerome, by the way."
"I'm Aidan." I shake his hand. "And why do they solve these mysteries?"
"Because Nina is the chosen one, people are after all the things hidden behind the mysteries because they bring eternal life. The reason they are probably down there right now is to save Gracie, Sophie's twin, who has mysteriously disappeared."
"What? I'm sorry all that I got from that was that a girl named Gracie has disappeared." I must seem totally surprised. Fabian and Eddie told me that she moved away? So, they have to know what happened to her.
"Yeah, she's not the only one who's disappeared throughout the years. People disappear and show up randomly here." He sighs. "They'll probably be coming back up soon, we'd better go back and pretend to sleep."
"Yeah." I agree and we head back down the hall. "Jerome, wait."
"Hmm." He turns around.
"We should form a two-person group and do what they're doing."
He raises an eyebrow. "What makes you think that just us two can do what those seven are doing?"
"I've got this." I flash him the Book of Gates. "I went into the tunnels, and a voice told me to pull on this rock. I opened a room and found this. It has to mean something that I was the one to find it and not one of those seven."
Jerome moves forward and grabs the book from my hands and looks it over. He looks back up at me. "I don't know."
I take the book back and sigh, "Well, whether or not you join me I will be going back into those tunnels. I will find out what happened to that girl."
I reach for the door knob to my room. "I'll join you."
I turn and smile, "Good, it'll be easier with you."
"We'll talk more tomorrow." He smiles and takes off toward his room. I head into my own and look for a place to hide the book.
I decide that between my mattress and box spring would be a perfect place. I hear voices outside my room, I hurry and get into bed making sure to turn toward the wall. The door to the room opens and I hear Fabian and Eddie enter and quietly creep into bed.
I slow my breathing for a while until I think they are settled down enough. This school was going to be more fun than I had thought.
- - - -
A/N: Well, it's been quite a while since I last updated this story. I'm sorry, college has taken up all my time lately. It seriously sucks!
-Video is of EXO - Growl (Korean Version) I love them! And yeah, it's korean pop music. Even if you don't understand what they are saying watch it anyways, it's amazing how in sync their dances are.

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