Chapter 28: On And On

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Written By: DGrayManLover

Chapter 28,

--Aidan's POV--

"Which way now?" I ask Jerome. He points to the left. We head to the left and round a corner into a dead end.

"Are you sure you're reading that map correctly?" KT asks. She grabs the map out of his hands and looks it over.

I step beside her and look at it over her shoulder. "I thought we were going the right way? I honestly don't know where we are now."

I give him a look. Well, we're screwed then. "I thought the map would be the easiest way for us to get to the center but instead it's just gotten us lost."

"This is weird." KT scratches at her hair. She puts a finger to the map. "And you're sure you followed every turn that it told us to take?" She looks toward Jerome.

"I'm pretty sure." He sighs and slides down the maze wall into a sitting position.

She looks back down at the map and looks around. "Hmm..."

"Do you think we should split up?" Jerome asks from his position.

"No, that's the last thing we need to do." I shake my head at him. Then we'll never find each other again.

"I think someone should climb up the walls and look to see where we're at." KT speaks up crossing her arms over her chest.

I sigh, no volunteers. "I'll do it." I reach for the map and she hands it to me. "Jerome, get on your hands and knees." He groans but does it anyways. I climb onto his back but I only reach about halfway up the wall. "Maybe I should get on your shoulders?"

"Ugh." He groans once more. I step off of him and then he gets me up onto his shoulders. "You are so freaking heavy, please hurry and get off of me."

"Okay.Okay." I grab onto the wall and pull myself upward. Soon I'm standing on Jerome's shoulders. I hurdle myself up onto the wall and take a deep breath before looking around. The maze looked very different up here but I could see the center clearly. We weren't that far away, I think we must've taken the wrong turn two turns ago. I noted the exact spots on the map, before stepping down I look toward the center there was something odd in front of the entrance of the center. I couldn't tell what it was because I was too far away at this point.

I jump down from the wall and lead them in the direction we were supposed to go in. And soon we found our way to what was supposed to be the center.

"What the heck?" Jerome groans.

"I thought you said this was the right way?" KT also groans.

It should have been. I touch the wall that was in the way and sigh. "Can I see the map?"

KT hands me the map and I glance over it. I groan and look up toward the ceiling. That's when I noticed that the wall I'm leaning on goes all the way to the ceiling whereas all the others stop before reaching the top. I quickly stand and my eyes run over every inch of the wall and I find nothing. I'm about to give up when I catch something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like a keyhole.

"KT." I say and she comes to my side. I point at it and she nods. She slowly pulls out her key and slides it into the hole. It surprisingly fit and she turns it to the left. A echo sounds throughout the room and the wall begins to slide upward into the ceiling. 

"Good thinking, Aiden!" She beams and ducks underneath the wall. Jerome and I both follow her and we finally find the middle. 

It was smaller than I thought it'd be but who cares about that whenever I found the middle. I take in the small room and on the opposite side of the entrance were the words Room Two. How many rooms are there? I walk closer to the center and find a pair of wings etched on the floor of the maze.

I don't understand what to do next? I thought for sure after passing through the door we would have at least found something. A door, a clue, maybe even the answers to how to bring the girl back. I head over to where Room Two was written on the wall and crouch done examing it. I noticed smaller words underneath the bigger ones. Those words were hard to read but it didn't take long to figure them out. They were of Four. So, this was room two of four rooms. Only two more to go, thank god. But that doesn't necassarily help me out in any way. Also just making it to the end of these tunnels won't make Gracie come back. I'm going to have to read the Book of Gates before finding out how to save her.

- - -

A/N: Sorry it's been awhile again. I know I said I was going to update more often but some things came up. Sorry! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Idk when I'll post the next, I really want to start another story but I already have this one to finish and then two on hold so I want to at least finish two before I start on something else. :.(

Video: G.R.8.U By: VIXX.


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