Chapter 19: It Wasn't Me (Chapter 1, Part 3)

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Written By: DGrayManLover

Chapter 19,

—Nina's POV—

Well I'm actually back at the Anubis house, and I find out that Gracie is gone. I can't believe it, it's almost as if she didn't exist at all. No one even talks about her anymore, it's actually pretty sad. I walked into my room and find that someone has been through my drawers. Who was looking through my things? I rush over to my drawers and see that nothing seems to be missing. Maybe Amber needed something and couldn't find it, I push those thoughts into the back of my mind. I'm just being paranoid, surely nothing is going on now that Gracie is gone. I quickly clean up the mess and put my drawers back in their place. Just as I finish a knock sounds on my door.

"Come in." I say, as I cross the room and sit down on my bed. Eddie enters the room in a frantic manner, "Eddie what's wrong?"

"Someone went through my belongings, I'm not sure if they took anything or not." My earlier thoughts return and I begin to become nervous. Eddie notices my sudden change in behavior and looks at me confused, "What's wrong?"

"Someone went through my things too." I gesture toward my dresser drawers.

"This can't be good, who do you think did it?" He asks running his hand through his hair.

"I have no idea." I say. "It could be Victor, the new girl KT, or anyone."

"I... I think we should inform Sibuna." Eddie quickly says looking up to me before avoiding any further eye contact. "I know losing Gracie has put a strain on us, but we can't just stop solving the Mysteries that still lie hidden in this house."

I sigh. "I guess you're right." Sarah would want me to solve all the mysteries in her childhood home. I can't bail on her now. "What about Sophie? Don't we need the Wing's of Isis necklace to enter some of the tunnels?"

"Let's consult with the others first, before we jump to any conclusions about her." He says walking over to the door. "I'll get Alfie and Fabian. What about Jerome, do we invite him too?"

"Let's consult that with the group too." I say biting my lip, I'm not sure if we can fully trust Jerome.

"Okay. You get Amber and Patricia." He walks out as I nod. I head down to Patricia's room and get her and Amber. We return to my room and find that the boys had already made it back.

"What's going on?" Fabian says as soon as I close the door to my room.

"First, I need to know if Sophie and Jerome are considered Sibuna's?" I ask giving them all a questioning look.

"Well, we do need the Wing's of Isis necklace." Eddie repeats the point I had made earlier.'

"But the problem is can we trust her? She's not Gracie." Patricia adds in, "Well at least not fully, Sophie is partially a ditz, what if she tells everyone about our little adventures?" She sighs. "I just wish Gracie was still here." Everything goes quiet and I realize that Gracie being gone had impacted the others more than I had thought.

"Well what about Jerome?" I say quickly changing the subject.

Alfie clears his throat. "Well he is our friend."

"But he's turned on us before." Fabian rolls his eyes and turns back to me.

"I think the thing we need to be looking at is, does Sibuna need any new members?" Amber says as she combs a hand through her straight blonde hair. "Is Sibuna better small or should we expand?"

"She still has some secrets smarts I see." I laugh. Nothing has really changed since I left, well except for certain people being gone, Gracie, Senkhara and Rufus. "Wait what ever happened to Harvey?"

Everyone except for Amber who was currently painting her fingernails, looks up at me with wide eyes, "We completely forgot about him." Eddie groans. "He could be another person on the list of going through our things."

"Wait someone went through your things?" Fabian says shocked. Amber looks up from her nails and gives me a why didn't you tell me look. I shrug quickly turning my attention back to the group.

"We will talk about that later. What about our new Sibuna members?" I sit down on my bed and look over mine and Amber's room.

"It all goes back to the point Amber made." Patricia sits down beside me, crossing her legs and arms in one motion. "Do we want our small, secret group to be bigger?"

"The more the merrier. But that can also be a bad thing, I mean Victor will surely notice if more than half the house disappears during the night." Eddie paces to the middle of the room and then back to his spot by Amber's bed.

"Being small keeps us more secretive and we all know that us six can keep this secret." Fabian sits on the floor. "But we also need Sophie who is the holder of the Isis necklace."

"Maybe we should add her in and that's it." Amber sighs as she looks over her newly painted nails. "Or if we find that we need her later on we can fill her in then. As for Jerome, I don't trust him enough to add him in. He's always pranking Alfie and I don't like it." Alfie smiles a small smile at her words and shakes his head in agreement with her.

"Yeah if we need her later we will add her in." Patricia grins. "That's perfect!" She laughs. "Amber and her secret smarts." Patricia continues to smile until the corners of her lips fall into a frown. "What about Joy?"

"I don't think we should put her in anymore danger." Fabian sighs. "After the frightening run in with Harvey, I don't think she can handle anything else."

"That's true." A few of us say together.

"Well Amber would you like to do the honors?" I ask giving her a smile.

"I certainly would." She grins and puts her right hand to her right eye, and we all do the same. "Let the Mystery begin." She gulps, "Sibuna."

"Sibuna." We all answer.


A/N: Well here's chapter 1! Sorry it's so short but I'm having some major writer's block at the moment. I think I've pretty much got in my head what's going to go down in this part! Hope you enjoy!

Video: Call Me Baby (Korean Version) By: EXO


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