Chapter 27: Didn't See It Coming

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Written By: DGrayManLover

Chapter 27,

--Jerome's POV--

"Hey, let's meet up during dinner." Aidan nudges me on the way to class.

"Okay. Where at?" I ask.

"Well, that's the thing. Fabian, Eddie, and Alfie are in on it. So, we can't exactly use our rooms." He answer.

"Pretty much all the girls know too. Except Mara, KT, and they don't really allow Joy to go anywhere with them." I sigh, where would a good place to meet be at? "What about the front porch?"

"That sounds okay. As long as Victor doesn't overhear us talking." I nod toward him and he separates from me to head to class. I saw the Sibuna gang standing off from everyone so I decide to go interrupt just for fun.

"Hey, guys." I sling my arm around Alfie's shoulder and everyone goes silent. "Awfully quiet aren't we."

"Oh, we were just talking about math." Amber smiles. I give her a fake smile before turning to Alfie.

"Alfie, can I ask you a question about history?" I drag him away from the group. I knew I could get information out of him, I always could.

"What history question?" He asks.

I smirk, "So, what's going on down in the tunnels?"

"Nothing. We haven't been doing anything?" He looks away. He always does that when he lies.

"I know you, Fabian, and Eddie snuck out last night. I also saw you go into the basement. So, don't lie." I sigh, I'm going to play the innocence card. "I just want to know what's going on that's all. I want to feel involved."

He looks around and sighs. "Ugh, fine. We found a new set of tunnels, we finally passed the first one and made it to the second, it's a maze, we haven't gone inside it yet though..."

"A maze, that's cool." I answer, this was good news. Maybe Aidan and I could go see if for ourselves. Except I have no clue as to where to start. Alfie walks off feeling like he's betrayed his group, he actually has but it's not like Aidan and I are bad people.

- - - -

After school I went home and waited for Aidan so we could head out to the porch. Once outside he pulls out the Book of Gates.

"Here's the book." He wipes off some dust. "Do you know what's inside this book?" He asks.

"No, I'm assuming it's got something to do with gates." I shrug and sit down.

"Kind of. It's a funerary text. It depicts the journey of a newly deceased soul to the next world." He looks up toward me. "I think I was the one who found this for a reason. I think I'm supposed to save that Gracie girl and that girl is passing through these gates as we speak. We must help her before she passes the last one. Or she's gone for good."

My jaw drops, I feel like this guy is smarter than both Nina and Fabian together.

"Hey, where'd you get that?" We hear a girl's voice. We both look around urgently, we've been caught. My eyes finally find her, it was the new girl KT.

Aidan hides the book inside his shirt. "What are you doing out here?" She was sitting in the corner of the porch with a plate of food in her lap.

"I should ask you the same thing. I was here first. I always eat here, I have no friends inside so..." She stops. "I know about the Book of Gates. My grandfather told me about it and about how I was supposed to go here and save some girl."

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