Chapter 20: On My Own

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Written By: DGrayManLover
Chapter 20,
--Fabian's POV--
It was midnight and I couldn't sleep, I feel like someone or something is telling me to find something? I sit up in my bed and rub my tired eyes, then continue to push the blankets away from my body. I swing my legs around and place them on the ground, I make sure that Eddie's asleep first, and then I head toward the door to our room. I crack it open and check for signs of Victor, no sound came from the hall so I quietly exit my room and tip-toe down the hall. I make it to the cellar door and I feel an odd sensation, I feel as if someone is watching me, as if someone was following me. I turn slightly and no one was there, but I still felt the presence of someone, a soft breeze comes out of nowhere and a sweet scent passes by me. And then something spooky happens, the cellar door opens itself, is Victor down there? Crap I'm caught, but once the door opened fully no one was there. Was someone trying to tell me to head down to the cellar?
I slowly head down the cellar stairs and make it into the cellar, no sign of Victor, I caught another scent of the sweet smell. It was moving toward the bookcase, I move toward it and put in the code. It slides open and I head into Frobisher-Smythes library. I figured I was headed toward the other moving bookcase but the scent was moving toward Frobisher's picture frame which was somewhat super scary, the scent moved on and over toward a small table with a lamp, and a small bookcase on the wall over to the large worn, red couch beside Frobisher's desk. Does the scent want me to sit on the couch? I sat down and the scent got stronger, and it began to suffocate me.
I stand, clearly it doesn't want me to sit on the couch, I try to move the couch but it won't budge. Hmm, that's weird, I try again and it doesn't move. I pick up a cushion on the far left and it moves, but nothings there, I place it back on top of the couch. What does this thing want me to do? The scent revolves around the center of the couch, so I place my hands on the center cushion and try to move it but its hard to move, the front of the cushion is attached to the couch while the back isn't, I pull it to where I can see what's underneath. And to my surprise I find a small crawl space underneath it, a small set of stairs descends down from the space. What is this, where does it go? I look around the room, how come we never looked here before? The scent moved down the stairs and I stopped to question myself. How,do I know this thing isn't trying get me killed? I look back toward the crawl space, why is everything in this house so small? I don't even know if I could fit through here?
I groan and step into the space. I have to duck to fit all the way in but I manage. I reach back up and pull the couch cushion over the hole, just in case Victor decides to visit the tunnels tonight. Once the cushion is on, the small space goes black. Crap I should of thought of that before I shut the only way I know that's out. The sweet scent comes back and I take a minute to try and place the scent, it smells of vanilla, it was very pleasant to the nose. Hmm, whoever that is showing me around must be female, I can't think of any male who would wear vanilla perfume. I take a step forward into the darkness following the smell, and I feel my foot step onto something, a click sound, sounds throughout the room. Oh crap, what did I do? The room instantly lights up and my eyes take in my surroundings. The crawl space ended a few feet down, and on the wall was a lock for the Eye of Horus.
I need Nina, I wanted to do this myself but then again I'm hopeless by myself. I turned around but the scent grew stronger again, "I can't do it without Nina, so you're just going to have to wait until another time." I say in an irritated way, "Why would you ask me to do this, I'm not a descendent of any God? Wouldn't it have been better showing Nina this place?" The scent grew even stronger almost taking over my senses. It blurred my eyes, and I shook my head. "Okay, okay I'll try." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek, the scent had made my eyes feel like they had gotten shampoo in them. I rub the scent out of my eyes, and head toward the deadend of the hallway. I touched the stone and traced the lock, I felt a jolt of electricity flow me, "See nothing's happening. I can't move forward until I have Nina." I heard a crack in the wall and the rock surrounding the door began to shake. I fell to the ground and looked at my hands, had I been electrocuted? The scent returned to remind me that I should move forward. I looked back up and the door was opened, I stood and walked in. The scent stopped me as soon as I entered, if I had taken one more step I would have fallen down a shaft to god knows where. The room was circular and only a small pathway was connected to the wall, in the center of the room, which wasn't accessible from where I was standing, was a platform in the shape of a circle. And on that circle, was a large sun, moon and smaller stars. This mystery just got even bigger, there are more tunnels that we, Sibuna, haven't even come across yet.
The scent disappears and I'm left alone. I no longer felt as if someone was watching me either, they had brought me to see this room. I need to inform the others of this newly found room, it looks as if Sibuna has a whole new mystery to solve. Not only do we have to worry about Victor, or adding Joy, Jerome and Sophie to the group, or even about bringing Gracie back, we have to deal with a growing mystery that someone or something wants me to solve.
I sigh, as I exit the room. I hear the door shut behind be with a bang. I climb back up the small staircase, and push the couch cushion up. I noticed Victor was standing at the revolving bookcase heading into the tunnels. My eyes go wide and I put the cushion back down over me, the lights in the tunnels slowly begin to fade out, and once again I'm in the dark. I hear the bookcase close and I push the cushion up once more to peek out and see where he is. He must have went into the tunnels, I quickly exit the newly found tunnel and I'm back in the library. I hit the button and escape into the cellar, once I'm out there I head back up stairs and quietly go into my room.
"Hey man where have you been?" I hear Eddie's voice.
I blink and sit down in my bed thinking of an excuse, "I went to the bathroom."
"Oh." He sighs, and rolls over toward the wall.
I sigh relived and lie down in bed, i close my eyes, let the mystery begin.
A/N: Well I hope you like it!! I'm still working on what's going to happen in this part, so bear with me!! :D
Let me know if you like it!!!
-Video is of EXO - Overdose (Chinese Version.)

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