Chapter 22: Troublemaker

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Written By: DGrayManLover

Chapter 22,

It was said that long ago once you died you went through a passage into the next world. It was recorded, and named the Book of Gates. The journey was required for all Souls, the Soul would have to pass through a series of Gates. And at each Gate a Goddess would be waiting to question you. Each Goddess had a different Title and wore different colored clothes, but they all were identical in other aspects, even down to the five-pointed star above their heads.

At the end of your journey it was implied that most Souls would pass through un-harmed, but that others might suffer the torment of the Lake of Fire, so your life's conclusion could end in turmoil.

Not long ago The Book of Gates was found by a Egyptian Treasure Hunter named Robert Frobisher-Smythe. He took it from its tomb and placed it in his house. The House of Anubis.

And till this day it lies waiting to be found in one of the House's many mysteries.


—Fabian's POV—

I sighed thinking about what all Kebechet said. Gracie would be passing through the Gates soon. I, I mean Sibuna needed to find the book soon. I needed to let them know. And that's what I did.

"No way, you met Kebechet?" Nina beamed. I nodded, I know she wanted to know more but we had more important things to do first.

"Yeah but we need to quickly find the Book of Gates for Gracie's sake." Patricia pats Nina on the back, which snaps her out of her Egyptian trance.

"True." Nina sighs. "So where do you think the Book of Gates is?"

"I assume it's at the end of these tunnels." I say, as I hear something outside the door. I quickly look at the others panicked.

"Open the door." Eddie whispers to Alfie. Alfie creeps up on the door and quickly opens in and someone falls in and onto the floor. I notice the blonde hair first, it was Gracie, that is I thought it was her until her face came into view and I noticed a difference, it was Sophie.

"Sophie, what are you doing?" Amber questions her.

"Ah..." Sophie puts a hand to her chin as if she were thinking about a good come back. "Cleaning the door."

"Sure you were, blondie." Patricia rolls her eyes. "Tell the truth."

"Who's Gracie?" Sophie looks around the room.

Everyone exchanges glances, "She's my imaginary friend." Patricia spits out.

"No she's not." Sophie says glaring at Patricia. "Tell the truth."

"She's your twin sister." I say, as everyone stops and turns to look at me in shock.

"Fabian?" Nina grips my shoulder.

"What? She was going to find out sooner or later. Plus we need her key for the tunnels anyway."

Nina nods, and turns toward Sophie. "I don't have a twin sister."

"You do, you have no memory of her because she's with Isis at the moment, and moving into the Gates of Hell."

"That makes no sense." She shakes her head.

I pull out my phone and pull up a picture of Gracie, Sophie, and I. "Look." I show it to her and she goes wide-eyed.

"The necklace that you wear used to be two separate necklaces but it became one when you and Gracie became one." Nina adds in. Sophie grips the Wings of Isis locket, hers eyes go wide again and go white. She falls to her knees.

Patricia and Amber hold onto her and her eyes stay white. It was kind of creepy, but I knew what was happening, she was getting a vision, probably from Isis.

"No way." She pants, as her eyes turn back to normal. "Gracie, I can't believe I forgot about my twin." She places each of her hands on the side of her head as if she were going crazy.

"Don't worry it wasn't you that forgot, you were made to forget."Alfie offers her a small smile.

"So Sophie, why don't you join Sibuna?" Eddie asks. "We are looking for a way to save her."

"I'll join." She stands from her position and looks me in the eyes.

"Repeat after me." Amber smiles and puts her hand to her eye and Sophie copies her. "Sibuna."

"Sibuna." Sophie answers, I put my hand to my eye too.

"Sibuna." Everyone else answers.


A/N: Really short chapter, sorry! I'm just not really feeling this story anymore... :( But I will somehow finish it! (I feel like I drug it out too long, oh well.)

Video: As Long As You're Not Crazy By: Infinite H


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