Chapter 13: Letters from the Sky

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Written By: DGrayManLover

Chapter 13,

--Nina's POV

(Nina's Dream)


"Huh?" I sigh. "Who is it?"

"I am Isis, you know the Two who are One right?"

"Uh yeah." Isis where is she?"Why do you ask?"

"They are being controlled. Please free them."


"And that's when I woke up." I rub my eyes.

"So do you think it was just a dream, or was it really Isis talking to you?" Eddie asks.

"I don't know."

"That would explain the way Gracie acted the way she did yesterday." Alfie sighs.

"Yeah. But how are they both being controlled, More importantly who?" Patricia says as she sits beside Eddie.

"And who is Gracie Ross? If her own mother doesn't know who she is, who is she?"

"So many questions. And what about Victor and the elixir?" Patricia says. "And Jerome, Amber, and Fabian?"

"We don't even know where Gracie's hideout is, where is she keeping them?" Alfie says.

"Well there could only be one place." Eddie stands.

"The Tunnels." I finish his sentence. "Let's go" We all stand and we head to the kitchen and enter the secret entrance. Luckly Victor wasn't down here yet so we entered the tunnels through the bookcase.


--Amber's POV

How long has it been since I've seen daylight? Fabian was gone when I woke up and Jerome is totally out of it. The door to this area opened and Fabian walked in. "Fabian?" I noticed Gracie, well Senkhara in Gracie's body behind him.

"Thanks for your help, Fabian." Gracie says. I watch as she lifts her hand up and a black smokey hand seperates from Gracie's and I Gracie's arm falls to her side. Senkhara's smokey hand touches the back of Fabian's head, and Fabian falls to the ground. Senkhara lets out a laugh and then her arm re-enters Gracie's before she exits. The door slams shut as I get up to check on Fabian. But the door opens again, and Sophie enters.

"Sophie? What are you doing here?" I ask.

She ignores me and walks over to Jerome. "Take Fabian and leave. Hurry." She says. What? "I'll get Jerome." I thought something was up, but this is my chance to get out of here. I grab Fabian, who has just woken up.

"Come on Fabian!" I yell. We both run out and into the tunnels.


 --Patricia's POV

"How far into the tunnels are we going?" I ask.

"Until we find them." Aflie says.

"Ok." I say, no need to yell. I heard some footsteps coming our way.

"Hey guys! I hear footsteps, what if it's Victor?" I say.

"Hide!" Nina says. Eddie and I duck behind a wall, while Nina and Alfie hide across the narrow hallway behind another wall. We listened to the footsteps that were coming closer. They were fastpaced and it sounded as if there were two people running toward us.

That's when we heard. "Hurry Amber, we have to run!"

"I'm running as fast as I can, I haven't eaten in days! Fabian wait up!" I shoot Eddie a look, and Nina and Alfie stood in shock. That's when they came into eyesight, I came out of hiding.

"Fabian, Amber?" I say.

"Oh thank god, I thought you were Gracie." Amber says. "Well Senkhara controlling Gracie."

"What?" Eddie says.

"Senkhara is controlling Gracie!" Fabian says as he pants from running.

"How?" Nina says as she exits from her and Alfie's hiding spot.

"Alfie!" Amber says, as she hugs him. "I've missed you!"

"Thanks god you guys are alright. wait what about Jerome?" Alfie asks.

"Sophie was getting him out." Amber says.

"Sophie!" Nina says. "But..."

We heard more footsteps approached us. "You guys haven't made it out yet?" Sophie says as her and Jerome came into sight. "Hurry I don't know when the scary woman will be back!"

"Huh?" Nina, Alfie, Eddie and I all say. I thought she was being controlled?


--Mara's POV

11:35 p.m (after curfew....)

I heard a knock on the door. "Mara?"

Was that Jerome's voice. "Jerome?" I say as I swing the door open. And there he stood. "Where have you been?"

"That doesn't matter, come with me. I've made us a make-up date!"

"Awe, yay!" I say as I follow him downstairs. "Where are we going?" I noticed Victor wasn't in his office. That's odd where is he? We we make in downstairs I noticed that Gracie and Sophie were standing by the mummy case.

"Hi!" They both say. "Follow us we'll take you to your date spot. Jerome has had us helping him make it special for you." It's so weird how they said it in unison.

"Thanks." I smile. Gracie pulls out a locket necklace thing and goes up to the mummy case. "What is she doing?"

"You'll see." Jerome says. The mummy case opens and I'm in total shock because behind the mummy case door is a tunnel.

"What?" I say.

"Follow me." Jerome takes my hand and pulls me along, as we follow Gracie and Sophie down through the creepy tunnel.

At some point Gracie and Sophie stopped and so did Jerome. Sophie pulls out a locket that looks the same as Gracie's and they both put them in something in the wall. The wall slides open and we head down another hallway. Where are we going, I've never been down here before. Then we stop once more, and they use there lockets to open another door. This time we all enter a enclosed space. Jerome pushes me to the back, to the point that Gracie, Sophie and him stood in a line facing me. A dark cloud surrounds Gracie, and around Sophie's head. Gracie falls to the ground and in her place stands a black mysty figure.  "Who are you? What's going on? Is this a joke?" I ask creeped out. "Guys?" But no one answers. An uncomfortable 5 minutes passed before Gracie began to move on the floor.

"What's going on?" She asks as she rubs her head. I see Sophie start to shake.

"Uh?" Sophie says. "I have a major headache."

"Me too." Gracie says as she starts to stand. The black figure looks startled but then she moves up to Gracie and then she's gone. And the black cloud surrounds Gracie again, and Sophie snaps up from her stretching postition and the cloud returns around her head.

"What?" Is that black mysty woman a ghost? Then they all leave including Jerome."Jerome!" I yell but there is no exit, and the door I entered through is gone. "HELP!"


Welp that's chapter 13 :) Hope you liked it!! :D

To the right is one of my very old covers I used for this story, it's so old, it even has my old username on it. :P

-DGrayManLover :P

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