Chapter 12: Keep Your Mind Wide Open

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Written By: DGrayManLover

Chapter 12,

-- Alfie's POV

It had been at least 2 days since I've seen Jerome, and come to think of it Amber, and Fabian were missing too. I walked into the dining room, that looked oddly empty, look's like Mara hasn't came down either, she's been pretty upset that Jerome is missing. Victor seems to have not noticed yet, which is another odd thing, was he still trying to find the elixir of life, or is he up to something else. What was left of Sibuna was sitting at the table, except for Patricia, the secret group has been ruptured since Gracie brought up Fabian kissing Joy, which we still don't know if it's true or not. Nina is seriously distraught, and is upset that Amber hasn't come back, I'm upset to, we have no idea where the 3 have disapeared to. I sat down next to Eddie, "Has anyone seen, Amber, Jerome or Fabian?" I asked.

"Nope." Eddie says. "Don't you think this is weird, I mean there are 3 people missing and Victor has yet to notice."

"True, I snuck out last night to see what he was doing and he wasn't in his office." Nina sighs. "Probably working on the elixir."

I hear someone running, and that's when Patricia runs into the room, "I can't find Gracie either, guys."

We all exchange looks, that's 4 people missing! Trudy walks in from the kitchen, "Is everyone skipping breakfast again? Did you all get into a fight?" She gives us a look.

"No, they just wanted to get to school early." Patricia says forcing a smile. We hear a knock at the front door.

"Well I wonder who that could be?" Trudy says with a odd look.

"Uhm, I'll get Trudes!" I say, making sure that I emphazise the nickname I gave her, trying to make sure that everythings normal and okay. Nina joined me and we went to see who was at the front door. I opened the door and a woman stood there, she looked oddly familar.

"Hello, may we help you." Nina says politely.

"I'm Livy Ross, Sophie Ross's mother." The woman spoke. "I'm here to check on my daughter." I noticed she had said daughter.

"Wait daughter?" Nina says. "I thought you had 2 daughters."

"Yeah." I say.

"No, I have one daughter, and her name is Sophie. This is Anubis house right?" Livy says. I looked at Nina, and saw that Nina was in complete shock.

"But Sophie came here with a girl named Gracie Ross, and they looked just alike." Nina says, trying to sound like she's not crazy.

"Never heard of her," Livy looks like she's a little annoyed. "Is this some plan to try to distract me? Is Sophie cleaning her room or something, and she doesn't want me to see it dirty?"

"No, I wish that was what was going on!" I say.

"I think you may have the wrong place," Nina says, Why is she lying?"

"Oh okay thanks." Livy turns to walk out. Nina motions me into the living room. I follow her, and the look on her face is covered with shock.

"What?" I ask.

"You know when we were in the tunnels and we were trapped in those things and we had like dream-like things?"

"Yes." I answer, but where is she going with this?

"I had a dream that was more like a nightmare, that Sophie came to this school, and that she didn't have a sibling named Gracie. It's like serious deja vu right now. You don't think that some things in the dreams are coming true do you?"

"I don't know? We seriously need to find the others! Soon." I say, Nina and I walked back to the dining room and tell the others. After we finished we went to school, because Trudy made us and I was totally zoned out the entire time, except for when the teachers would call out our names to see who was here and who was absent, each class the same thing repeated, the teacher would call Fabian, Amber, Jerome, or Gracie's name, and no answer would follow.

Except in last period when the teacher called out, "Gracie Ross."

I heard a muffled, "Here." Come from the back of the class. Nina shot me a look from the front of the class, I turned and saw that, there in her assigned seat sat Gracie, Where has she been all this time?

"Alfie Lewis?" The teacher called out.

"Here." I say. The teacher was still calling out names.

"I know your here. Turn around." She spoke in a harsh tone. Apparently I wasn't being called on for attendance.

"Sorry." I sigh.

The teacher gave me one final look and looked back at the attendance paper. "Fabian Rutter?"

"Here." We heard Fabian's voice. I saw Nina tense up as Fabian entered the door, "Sorry I'm late, I got lost."

"You've gone to this school, for awhile now Mr. Rutter, I think you should know your way around this school." Fabian looked alittle confused but he continued on to his seat, but not his assigned seat next to Nina, he walked to the seat beside Gracie and sat. Nina looked upset and put her head down for the rest of the class period. I almost expected Amber and Jerome to show up but they didn't.

After class I grabbed Fabian, but he seemed weirded out. He shrugged out of my grasp, "Do I know you?" He spoke.

"Fabian, it's me Alfie." I say. Nina joins me and him.

"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong Fabian. I'm Fabian Rutter, nice to meet you."

"No I know you, you live in Anubis house, you have dated Nina," I paused and gestured toward Nina."-twice, and broken her heart the same amount."

"I have no idea what your talking about, I've never met you before, My girlfriends name is Amber Millington, and my best friends are Jerome Clark, and Gracie Ross." I jumped back, was he trying to play a joke on us? This has gone to far.

I looked at Nina, "Seriously how much of a jerk do you have to be!" Nina crys.

"I really don't know you, I'm sorry. I have to get back to my friend, and then we are going to see Amber."

"Amber is my girlfriend!" I yell.

"No she's mine!" Fabian gets all up in my face. What's up with him. I heard a icey laugh that snapped Fabian out of his devilish faze. I turned my face toward the direction of the laugh. It was Gracie.

"Can't you just except the fact that he clearly doesn't know you and that  he seems to not want to know you." She laughs, who cold stare that was somewhat familar, and creepy like I'd seen it somewhere before. "Oh Nina, dear, wake-up and smell the reality that Fabian has never liked you! He doesn't even seemed to remeber you, and he's only been away for 2 to 3 days." Her cold stared bored into Nina, and before Fabian and Gracie left she looked over to me, and a chill went down my spine, "Oh Amber wanted me to tell you something. She says, shes moved on and found someone better." They walked out leaving Nina and I in our depressed conditions.

"Wait." I say. "If Sophie is the only daughter of the Ross family, then who is this look-alike really?"

"I have no idea, and clearly she's got some kind of control over the others."


A/N: So I know I said I probably wouldn't be uploading anytime soon, but I saw that so many people wanted me to upload and I also thought that I haven't continued this story in awhile, I've been busy with my others. But I finished my homework and it's a Friday so, I'm like gotta write the next chapter for my readers!!! Anyways I know I promised that I'd have this out like last week, I'm sorry! But it's out now!!! So thanks for reading, and If you liked it, I'd appreaciate a vote or a comment saying that you loved it! Oh and I wanted to thank all the readers for reading my story has reached 3,000 reads, I just wanna say thank you, and I love you all for reading!! :D

-DGrayManLover :P

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