Chapter 3: The One That Got Away

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Written By: DGrayManLover

Chapter 3,

After Joy and Harvey left for the night Amber, Alfie, Patricia and I hung out in Eddie and Fabians room. Since Sophie Was hogging my room we came down here.

"Has anyone noticed that Victor hasn't been doing his 10:00 night checks lately." Fabian says.

"Yeah that's weird." Patricia says.

"Well, I actually haven't seen him today." I say. I walk over to sit of Fabians bed with Amber and Patricia.

"now thats really weird." Amber says. She starts combing her hand through her hair. "I'd better go get some much needed beauty sleep. night guys." she gets up and hugs Alfie good night.

"yeah I'm going to hit the hay to." Alfie says.

Alright nows my chance to bring up the tension between Harvey and Joy. "ok guys did you notice how weird Joy got when Harvey was around, I had my hand on her shoulder and she tensed up when he started calling for her."

"I don't know but I dont like Harvey one bit." Fabian says.

"Same here." Eddie says.

"I have to admit, I don't think he is Joy's type, I expected her to be with a it somewhat like Fabian." Patricia says. " not Mr. Gorgeous." I saw Eddie look at the floor.

"Oh Eddie don't get so jealous." I say laughing.

"me jealous, yeah right." Eddie says putting on a obviously fake smile.

Patricia gets up and walks across the room and sets next to Eddie. "don't worry Eddie, I like you not him, he is way too, uhm how do I put this without being to mean.."

"Uhm, Stuck-up." i say smiling.

"yes, exactly." Patricia says.

"I agree to." Fabian says and Eddie nods his head in agreement.

"glad we all agree on something." I say.

"so Harvey and Joy are coming back tomorrow. " Patricia says.

"great." Eddie says. Fabian gets tired of standing and sits beside me on his bed.

"wait, what if we could use that as an advantage." I say. I look up at Fabian. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking."

"spying on Joy and Harvey." Fabian says.

"yeah that and talk to Joy about it." I say.

"Patricia you talk to Joy and find out some info. If that doesn't work, then we shall put our Sibuna spying skills to work." I say.

"So Eddie how about you talk to Harvey to distract him while I talk to Joy." Patricia says.

"Why me?" Eddie says.

"Oh just do it!" Patricia says. I look at the clock on the wall it's 10:39.

"crap, Patricia, we have talked past curfew." I say.

Patricia and I say goodbye to Fabian and Eddie and walk quietly out into the hall. We make it about half way when we hear someone walking. I look around the corner and see Victor coming out of the cellar, with a ring. I make a gesture to Patricia to stay where she was. I need to get a closer look. Victor was just standing by the cellar, the ring was opened. I inched closer staying right up along the wall. When I got As close as I could I looked at the ring, and inside was a gold tear. "Oh no." I say to myself Victor has a tear of gold. Which means he is looking for the cup of Ankh. Finally he closes the ring and goes back into the cellar. I grab Patricia and go back to Fabian and Eddies room.

"guys you'll never believe what Victor has!" I say.

"what" they all say.

"he has a tear of gold." I look at their faces they are covered in disbelief.

"no way" Eddie says. "The mask of Anubis is long gone by now, and Nina is visiting her Gran, so she can't cry them."

"how did Victor get that ring." I say.

"Nina gave it to him, she said it was from his father." Fabian says.

"oh no, Nina was set up, she thought she was reuniting a father and son through a ring.." I begin to say.

"and really she was passing on a tear of gold." Fabian finishes my sentence for me.

"so that means he is working on the elixir, and trying to find the cup of Ankh." Patricia says. "we need to inform Nina."


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Video: Back Again - KNK


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