The Break Begins

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A dark storm hung over the ruined of what was once a glorious city that represented power and innovation. The green stones were now dull and shattered. The walls were no more, having been over taken by vegetation.

Oswalt Ozmandias stared out at the kingdom he once called home. Back when he was a boy. The Emerald City was gone now. The people dead and buried. At least, that was what he believed.

After his announcement to the world, sympathizers known as the Yellow Brick Guard made a pilgrimage to the great land of Oz. Now, they were Ozzians by decree of Oswalt. The Wizard of Oz.

He took a deep breath before he heard the footsteps of one of his people. He looked over his shoulder to see that it was Tina. The daughter of the Tin Man. One of the last surviving Ozzians alive. At least, one of the originals.

Tina: We need to talk.

Oswalt simply nodded.

Tina: It's about the Wonderlandians.

Oswalt: Of course it is. Let me guess, you don't think they belong here.

Tina nodded.

Tina: This is our home. They have no right being here when...

Oswalt lifted his hand, silencing her. He slowly turned around, fully revealing himself as lighting struck behind him. He wore a black three-piece suit with a green tie. He also wore a dark coat that reached to his ankles with a black top hat that had a green brim. It was his father's.

Oswalt stared at Tina before he spoke.

Oswalt: Courtly Jester has earned her place here. She was an ally before even you were.

Tina frowned.

Oswalt: As for Kitty, she is someone I trust. Someone I know will assist us in my plan against Ever After and the Royal Families.

Tina still didn't know what his grand plan was. He refused to tell her, but he seemed to be fine with telling Kitty Cheshire, daughter of the Chesire Cat. The only one that Oswalt allowed to join them without her first proving herself.

Oswalt: Now, if you have a problem with my decisions, then speak. Otherwise, leave me be.

His eyes began to flow green, threatening her to challenge his power. Tina stood there for a moment before she fixed her hat and turned on her heels. Oswalt watched as she left the room.

He turned back to the large hole in the wall to look back out at his home. He will soon bring it back to it's glory with the help of his shadow curse and the Yellow Brick Guard. The creatures themselves would surely be reaching the shores of Ever After by now.

His plan, was now beginning in full.

Soon, the world would know his wrath.

-Ever After High-
-Spelltacular Summer-

Clank! Clank!

You lifted your sword to block Darling's attack before moving to strike back. She moved to the left, causing you to miss, before slamming the butt of her sword into your shield.

The two of you were practicing your sword skills in the courtyard of Ever After High while everyone else got packed to go home for the Chapter Break. Summer was officially here and everyone was ready to leave Ever After High after this hectic year.

Ever since Oswalt not only outted the Royal Family but also released a dark curse over the world. Now reports of shadowy creatures appearing everywhere were flooding in and everyone knew exactly who did it.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now