Winter Saviour

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Some Time Ago.....

The day was just like any other. The Royal Family stayed in their castle to oversee the next batch of rations. But, in order to do so, they needed to find out how many people they were dealing with. The prince never really understood why. Why not just give everyone what they needed? Seemed odd to give them just enough to survive. And they had plenty to spare.

But, that wasn't the problem. The prince was sent to visit the people. A task he was more than happy to do since he enjoyed visiting the people. He would be their rulers one day. A ruler's job was to make their subjects' lives easier and to make them happy. He had many times where he wondered if the other rulers had forgotten that fact.

That was why he was here now. Trapped in a snow storm with no hope of finding out where he was. Yggdrasil was nowhere to be seen and he was quickly losing sunlight. Hope was quickly becoming lost and he didn't know what to do. He was just a kid.

The storm grew worse, and finally, he fell. He felt numb, and his vision was getting blury. Was this it? The end?

???: Over here!

He heard the crunching snow and tried to lift his head to see who was approaching. He only saw two figures before it all went dark.


The prince was asleep when he heard a crack. He slowly opened his eyes to see a fire beside him. He was inside of what appeared to be an abandoned cabin, but he wasn't sure where he actually was. He has never seen this place before. Still, he was safe from the storm.

He pushed himself up and looked over to the window to see that the storm had stopped. The sun was slowly rising now, telling him that he had slept through the night. He heard talking outside and began to wonder if it was his savior.

It took a moment, but he made it to the door and pushed it open. There, he found two teenage boys standing there. When they heard the noise, they looked back to the boy.

???: Mh? Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?

The prince blinked. They weren't from around here. Definitely not by the way they were dressed. Were they foreign? They definitely sounded like it.

The taller boy spoke. His accent thick and unknown to the prince.

???: Can you understand us?

The prince slowly nodded. The shorter boy smiled and approached the Prince with a more friendly demeanor. He held out a hand and introduced himself.

???: My name is Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs. But, uh, people just call me Oz or Ozzie.

 But, uh, people just call me Oz or Ozzie

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