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You sat with your eyes glued to the bed before you. After all was said and done back at Ever After High, you and the others had traveled to the Wolf residence to regroup. The war wasn't going to happen, but Glynda....or Jadis was on the loose. But to add to it all, your mother was sleeping in your bed.

You had a lot of emotion in your heart. You just couldn't really pin a single one.

Downstairs, your friends held a mini celebration for avoiding war. Oswalt wore a cast with a crutch, leading to him cracking a joke or two with Ashlynn.

Oswalt: I guess we match now.

Ashlynn giggled a bit.

Ashlynn: It's not a bad look, right?

Before Oswalt could reply, Kitty walked over and pulled on his ear, making him wince.

Kitty: Okay, that's enough flirting.

Oswalt winced again as Ashlynn laughed. But Lizzie stayed off to the side with a cup of punch. Brair slid up beside her with a smirk.

Brair: You worrying about Ozzie?

Lizzie blushed a bit. This only made Brair hug the shorter girl with a squeal.

Brair: Oh my godmother, you're so cute!

Lizzie: Unhand me!

Brair did do, but kept smiling.

Cerise: His mom is back from the dead. Of course he's going to a bit out of sorts. I think Oswalt is hanging in there a bit better because he can't go upstairs.

The girls looked over to see Oswlat attempting to head upstairs, only for Alistair to pull him back. He still tried to reach with his crutch, but it was fruitless.

Badwolf stayed off to the side. He wanted to check in on you, but he knew you needed the proper space right now.

You couldn't believe she was actually here. She looked....younger than you thought. Did she really die so young? She looked like she was still in her early 20's.

You sighed and lowered your head, before you heard something. You quickly looked up to see your mother's eyes fluttering open. You quickly got to your feet and hurried to her side. She looked at the roof for a moment before she looked to you. She blinked, before she smiled.

Wicked: You....look older...Y/N.

You just stared. She knew who you were. She remembered?

Wicked: Hey....why are you...crying?

She reached up and touched your face, wiping away a tear you didn't even realize was there.

Y/N: You're really alive.

Your mother began to sit up, you assisting her. She then rolled her head.

Wicked: Being stuck in tiny gems really has a way of straining your muscles. Feels like I just crawled out of a box.

She looked to you and smiled.

Wicked: How do you feel, sweetie?

You just stared at her in awe. She really was just how everyone described. She was so gentle. A sense of humor over such a bizarre situation. She must've noticed your confusion because she reached out and pulled you into a hug.

Wicked: It's alright, Y/N. I'm here now. Sorry it took so long.

You simplyed stayed there. You met your mother in the past and that was it. You had heard so many stories about her and met the people whose lives she touched. But she was here in the present in the flesh.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now