Arabian Treasures

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You and Darling rode through the deserts of Arabia in a race against the clock to find the second treasure of Narnia. You needed to be on the ship and away from here by midnight. You were sure Ali Baba had some kind of second exit from his fortress, but you could worry about that later.

The Cave of Wonders should be just up ahead. Once you got in, you just needed to snatch the treasure and make a break for it. The thieves can handle the Guardian.

It was harsh thinking, but they had it coming. Maybe that was harsh thinking too. You didn't care. You just needed to find that treasure. You needed to make it count. That was when you saw it.

You came to a stop and reached back and pulled out the map. You opened it and held it up. The mountains and sand hills and even the stone pillars. They were all there.

But when you lowered the map, there was only ruins. The stone pillars were shattered and the sands were still. What was once here, was now gone.

Darling: Is this is? I was hexpecting a, you know, cave.

You checked the map again. Before looking up. You and Darling got off your horses and began to walk towards the remains of the Cave of Wonders. You kneeled down and sunk your hand into the sands. You could feel something.

Y/N: They blew it all to bits. It's gone.

Darling: How? Wait, did they take the treasure?

You shook your head.

Y/N: They just blew up what they could see. The Cave was protected.

You dusted away the sand to show a flat stone edge. You and Darling looked at each other and took a few steps back. You held up the map again and began to paint a mental picture in your mind.

Y/N: Okay. So, if this is right, it would've been....

You pointed at a corner.

Y/N: There. And....

You pointed at another corner.

Y/N: There. So the entrance would be...

You pointed in the center.

Y/N: There.

Darling crossed her arms. Digging it up would take ages. Time you didn't have.

Darling: Even if we do dig it up, how will we get it to open. It's not like we can just say "Open Sesame" and it'll.....

The ground suddenly began to shake, making you and Darling hold onto each other. You both watched as the sands began to move and shake before something arose from the ground. Soon, a shadow was casted over the both of you and you were looking up at a large structure.

It was in the shape of a lion's head with the mouth serving to be the entrance you were looking for. You and Darling both looked at each other, and smiled.

The Cave of Wonders, was the old thieves den. They had left it behind. And if it was still here and the thieves had no idea about the Guardian, then the treasure was still there.

Y/N: Well, let's go get that treasure.

You used a torch to light your way as you and Darling looked through the now sealed Cave of Wonders. You wished you had some way of finding whatever secret passageway there was to find the treasure. You were walking blind here.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now