The Fellowship of Narnia

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You were asleep when the wind carrying the Dawn Treader stopped. Midnight, which was one of Farrah's rules.

She could cast any spell, but it would only last for at most 12 hours. Until Midnight or Noon. It was a draw back, sure, but it was still a pretty sweet deal. But the winds of the open sea did it's job and the ship sailed along just fine.

And when the sun was rising, so were you.

You opened your eyes and looked around the room that was now your captain's quarters. Really it was very tiny, but spotlessly clean, and bright with painted panels of birds, beasts, crimson dragons, and vines.

There were three square windows inside it, which looked out onto the water astern, low cushioned benches around three sides of a table, a Dwarf-made silver lamp that swung overhead, and a flat gold image of a lion that greatly resembled Aslan that hung on the forward wall above the door.

You let out a yawn and arose from the hammock that now acted as your bed. Your things were resting on the floor near the large wooden desk that fixed onto the floor. You had boarded the ship, set sail, and immediately fell asleep. It was quite late after all.

You opened your bag and begannto change your clothes to a more suitable attire. A white shirt with a pair of jeans and your boots. You stopped and looked down at the gift that Badwolf and Red had given you and smiled.

You opened the box and pulled out the coat to admire it. It was a green coat that reached your thighs and had a hood with brown fur along the edge. It had several buttons for you to close it, but you left it open. The gold lining along the sleeve gave it a kind of royal feel to it as well.

You stepped out of the state room and found the rest of your Fellowship already on board looking out at the sea. You nodded to them as you walked to the head of the ship, setting one foot on the wood. You then closed your eyes.

You took a deep breath, taking in the smell of the salt water. The Dawn Treader sailed forward with no resistance, as if the water itself was moving to allow the ship forward. You opened your eyes and stared out at the vast sea before you.

Y/N: Okay. Let's get this show on the road.

Ruby walked through the halls of the mansion as the magical servants that Ozma had conjured cleaned whatever mess was left from the party the previous night. Because no one was here besides her and Ruby, Ruby found herself able to walk around in her night gown rather than getting dressed.

Your sister found Ozma sitting in the library with a book and a cup of tea. She was already dressed and her hair was done as well.

Ruby: Mornin'.

Ozma looked over to her niece and watched as she dropped into a chair with a yawn.

Ozma: Crazy night?

Ruby: Yeah, no. After I finished crying over the prospect that my brother might die at sea or in another land, I slept for maybe 2, 3 hours? It was great.

Ozma closed her book with a sigh.

Ozma: Aslan sent your brother on this quest. He will protect him should anything happen. It's a quest that needed to be taken.

That didn't make it any easier to say goodbye. Plus Ruby was still pretty worried.

Ozma: He will call once they reach land. Now, you should get dressed and eat some breakfast. Your training starts today.

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