Arabian Days

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You used your hand as a shield against the sun as you looked out at the sands that seemed to go on for as far as the eye could see. It was unbelievably hot again. Luckily, you had bought some better gear at a shop in town. You now wore a white tunic that was left open on the chest area as well as a green vest made of the same fabric.

It was lighter and you could breathe easier. You also wore a pair of green trousers and a pair of boots. Around your neck was a thin green scarf. You had a leather messager bag with your journal and notes. On the other hip sat your sword. You decided to leave the shield behind for practical purposes.

You looked back to your crew who all wore their own new gear. Cerise wore mostly red, Hunter wore mostly green, Darling wore mostly blue, and Farrah wore mostly purple. You looked at the horse you had paid for and took a deep breath.

Y/N: Please don't buck me off.

The horse did not respond, for horses did not talk. At least, not here.

You mounted your horse and looked back to the others were were all ready to go. You nodded and lead the way.

It was time to talk to Ali Baba.

Oswalt sat on the Emerald Throne with a bored expression as Reggie read through the new legislations that he had issued to the people and creatures of Oz. During the ten years of it's ruin, new creatures had found their way to the deserted land and made it their home.

Rather than kicking them out, Oswalt had decided to let them keep the lands that they called home. Of course, that did cause it's own problems.

Reggie: The next order of business is this land dispute between the nomes and pixies. They says that they both have grievance of the land known as AK.

Oswalt raised a brow. AK was what was once Munchkin Land. Good land, but useless to Ozzians. He could see why they were arguing.

Reggie: If I may, my lord?

Oswalt: If I did not wish to hear your opinion, I would have not assigned you as my advisor, Reggie. Speak freely.

Reggie: Well, yous see, the impasse presents a horizontal challenge. Not a vertical one like they think. Leave the lands below the roots to the nomes and those above to the pixies.

Oswalt thought about it. It could work, for sure.

Oswalt: And above the treeline can be left the Mii, I suppose.

Reggie: The sky? Can't take away from the Mii, no sir.

Oswalt nodded.

Oswalt: The let it be decreed, the lands below the tree roots will be to the Nomes, and the lands above the tree roots up to the tree tops shall belong to the Pixies.

Reggie wrote down the order flipped the page on her clipboard.

Reggie: These accords are going just great. I mean this is super easy.

Oswalt found himself agreeing. Despite the lack of a brain, Reggie was still surprisingly wise. She was a great advisor and second opinion to have. And it made things go much faster.

With Tina working on her tin army and Candice tending to the surrounding villages that had been emerging, Oswalt found his work load growing lighter. The new Ozzians were well on their way to becoming a full fledged nation. They already received their first shipments from Asi.

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