Passing The Time

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You stared at the open sea while you leaned against the wheel of the ship. You let out a sigh before you looked up at the blue sky. A few clouds were floating around, but that was it. It wasn't even really hot.

But, it was clear, three days into your voyage, that everyone was very....bored.

Darling: I always thought that ship adventures were.....exciting.

Y/N: Welcome to reality, Charming.

Cerise: She's right, though. What did you use to do on the Jolly Roger?

You shrugged.

Y/N: Sing sea shanties and take inventory. Sometimes we would play cards but that would usually cause problems cause pirates think everyone cheats. Sometimes we would shoot each other.

Farrah: What was that last one?

Hunter: Well, we don't have cards.

Darling: I'll add it to the list of things to get at Asi. For now, why don't we try one of those sea shanties? Do you know any?

You thought about it before nodding.

Y/N: A few. Feel free to sing along if you know it.

You then took a deep breath and started to sing.

Ruby grunted as she tried to focus her power with her flexed hands. She narrowed her eyes and grunted even harder as magic flickered between her finger tips.

But it wasn't working. She groaned and gave up, falling backwards with a sigh as she tried to catch her breath. She had been trying to summon a single bubble for nearly two hours now.

Ozma: You're getting closer.

Ruby: This still sucks! I can't even make a bubble!

Ozma sat nearby with her tea and some water for Ruby. She was actually quite impressed of Ruby's hard work and effort, but she could tell that she was getting frustrated.

Ozma: Why don't you take a break. Come sit with me.

Ruby got to her feet and stomped over to her aunt where she sat down. She began to drink the water while staring at the large ballroom in annoyance.

She had used her magic to save Ashlynn and push back Tina, so why was she struggling so much now?

Ozma even noticed this. She wasn't worried, however. She knew the exact reason why this was happening.

Ozma: How is your friend doing?

Ruby: Ashlynn? She's better. She's doing some physical therapy to get back on her feet.

Ozma: So everything is going smoothly?

Ruby shrugged.

Ruby: For the most part. She's kinda bummed that Hunter isn't around. It's their first summer as a couple and he's out at sea with no signal.

Ozma nodded in understanding. She was away from her own lover with no way to communicate with them after all. Still, it was expected and accepted.

It didn't make it any easier.

Ozma: Well, why don't you visit her?

Ruby looked at her curiously.

Ozma: I'm sure she would appreciate someone being there for her during all of this. It does extend past her injuries. The world is in a state of panic now that the Royal Families have been outted.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now