Arabian Troubles

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You and Farrah walked the streets of the village you were in to find the others. Hunter had sent you a message telling you where they were and that they might have a lead on where to find the treasure. And, thankfully, Farrah knew some Arabian.

Farrah: What do you think we can expect when we find where the treasure is hidden?

You shrugged.

Y/N: More or less the same as when we found the first treasure. Probably a Guardian waiting for us or something.

Farrah: Guardian?

Right. You had to remind yourself that Darling and Farrah weren't there for the first discovery. Maybe it was the fact that you had been on a ship with them for almost two weeks now.

Y/N: The treasures might be protected by Guardians. The last one was a massive sea monster, so maybe we'll be dealing with something similar.

Farrah nodded. She still wasn't used to this adventurer lifestyle, but didn't entirely hate it. As a matter of fact, she had more chances to flex her magical skills.

You both finally arrived at the place Hunter told you the others were, and found yourselves at a lost of words. The building seemed to be made of sandstone and the windows were no more than wooden frames. Candle light illuminated the inside and you could hear people inside cheering and talking. Music, too.

You and Farrah gave each other a look before deciding to head inside.

Just as you had suspected, the pub was full of life. People drank, ate, dance, sang, and enjoyed the night. Though, you did start to wonder if you would get kicked out. You were only 16, after all.

Darling: Guys! Over here!

You and Farrah looked down the way to see your friends sitting at a table filled with fresh food. Though, you also noticed that they stuck out among the Arabians that surrounded them. Still, you and Farrah made your way over and took a seat.

Hunter: You get yourself a good nap?

You smiled shyly. You were a bit embarrassed that you had passed out so easily like that.

Y/N: I guess I did. But, you guys said that you might've found something?

Cerise pulled out your journal and held it out towards you. You looked at it for a second before your cheeks grew a bit red when you recalled the doodles you had inside. You quickly took it back and tucked it away into your coat pocket.

Cerise: We met someone who said that they recognize the area in the drawing. Turns out, it's just over the hills in the horizon.

That was good news.

Darling: But, it's also in the lands owned by Ali Baba.

Y/N: Ali Baba? The guy who stole from the thieves?

Cerise: That's how the story goes. But....

Darling: He took over. With the original leader dead, Ali Baba seized control and runs the operations.

Hunter: And to make matters worse, unless you have his map, you'll never find your way around the desert.

That was not good news.

That was actually really bad news.

Farrah: Can't we just ask him for the map?

Hunter let out a laugh and crossed his arms.

Hunter: Telling a leader of a band of thieves that we need his map to look for a treasure? That should go great.

Farrah: Yeah.....that's fair.

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