Brair's Beach Bash

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Brair stood at the shore of the beach behind her castle. The sun was high and bright and it was already getting warm. She had about 4 hours to finish setting everything up before everyone arrived. At least, until the time she had planned for arrived.

She was unsure if the Wonderlandians would be on time.

Still, she was hexcited to throw a summer party. It wouldn't be the whole school, but it'll be all her friends. Well, most of her friends. You and the others were still on your adventure and wouldn't be able to.....

Fellowship: AHHHH!

Brair suddenly found a bright light appear a few yards away from her. From it came you, Darling, Hunter, Farrah, and Cerise.

The smell of the beach would be nice....if it wasn't for the quickly approaching ground that you found yourself hitting. Though it was sand, each of you landed in positions that seemed to heighten the pain you received.

Y/N: Ah!

Hunter: My arm!

Cerise: Ow!

Farrah: Ugh! I got sand in my hair!

You all laid on the warm sand as waves crashed nearby. You sat up and looked around, finally spotting Brair who was standing there with wide eyes and a confused look on her face.

You lifted a hand.

Y/N: Hey, B. We're not late, are we?

You got your answer in the form of Brair tackling you into a hug.

Hunter: We're 4 hours early?

You all stood around as Brair explained that you didn't miss the party. Rather, you were super early.

Brair: People shouldn't be here til, like, 10.

Brair: People shouldn't be here til, like, 10

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Y/N: Oh. Time differences. It was 8 where we docked the Dawn Treader.

Brair: Yeah, about that. How did you guys get here?

Fellowship: A rock.

Brair: Forget I asked.

Cerise: Well, since we're here, we could help you set everything up.

Brair smiled.

Brair: I appreciate it, but it's just a few things. Though, I wasn't able to get the fruits for the drinks. It's kinda a bummer, but it's also whatever.

Y/N: Fruit? What kind?

Brair looked out to the ocean and pointed to a small island. You all looked out.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now