Little Green House

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Oswalt: Thank you for allow us to stay here.

Oswalt's group all watched him thank Ashlynn in both shock and slight curiosity. After having stayed the night, they were now on their way out to finally get to Cedar's home. But, still, did he just thank someone? Sincerely?

Ashlynn just smiled while Hunter stood there confused.

Ashlynn: Of course. You're always welcomed to visit again.

Oswalt: I'll keep that in mind.

He then looked to Hunter. He hesitated for a moment before asking what was on his mind.

Oswalt: My little brother. Is he....doing well?

Hunter stared at him for a moment. He looked to the others who were waiting for his answer.

Hunter: Yeah. He's okay.

Oswalt just nodded. He pulled his bag over his shoulder and joined the group. Once they were ready, they headed out to walk the trail. They should reach Cedar's house before nightfall. At least that was the plan. And, hopefully, they would be successful.

The walk was rather uneventful. Civilization pretty much expanded through most of the woods. But after a while, it became just trees and nature. It was actually quite nice. But soon the woods came to an end and opened into a field where the forest came to an end and revealed a lake. And it was there that they found a cottage.

 And it was there that they found a cottage

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Alistair: Wow. This is very homey.

Oswalt couldn't help but agree. It definitely did seem like a peaceful place to live.

???: Oh, splinter. I can't believe I forgot my brush.

The group watched as none other than Cedar emerged from the forest with a bag of art supplies. She didn't seem to notice them until Raven cleared her throat. Once she looked up and spotted them, she smiled widely.

Cedar: Guys!

She ran over and immediately hugged Raven. She went around to hug everyone until she reached Kitty. She stopped and stared at her.

Cedar: Kitty? What are you doing here? I thought you left us to go and live with Oswalt.

Kitty just smiled.

Kitty: I did. And that's also why I'm here.

She pointed to Oswalt. Cedar froze at the sight of him before he lifted his hands to show he meant no harm.

Oswalt: We're just looking for your father. I have need of his skill.

Cedar looked to her friends for conformation. Once they all nodded, she turned back to the two.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now