We're In Kansas

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You stared at the strange machine in front of you, waiting for you and your friends to board. It was strange. It looked like a large bird, a dragon really, but it was made of metal and had fans attached to the wings. You also watched as a man placed some of Susan's luggage in the tail end of this machine.

Cerise: We're supposed to get inside of that thing?

Susan looked to the three of you curiously.

Susan: Do you not have planes in Ever After?

You shook your head. She simply smiled and motioned for you all to follow. You entered the machine to find that it was actually not as bad as you thought it would be. This plane flew, right? What would be the difference between this and riding Legend?

Darling: I guess it's a good thing Hunter went back home. He would be losing his mind right now.

There was no doubt about it. You all took your seats and strapped in as the plane prepared itself for take off. You had done this a dozen times before. You were practicing with Legend before summer started.

Cerise: Why is it going forward?

You found yourself getting pushed back into your seat by an invisible force which caused you to start to worry. What was this? Some kind of magic? You grabbed onto the side of your seat tightly as the plane began to lift off the ground. The entire thing started to rattle and you and your friends began to scream.

Oswalt found himself walking the trail with his group. The attack has yet to happen, but he wasn't willing to wait around until it did. Their first step was to travel to Snow White's castle. They would get her aid rather she liked it or not.

Alistair: I'm kinda excited to see how this goes.

Oswalt: Why's that?

Alistair: I want to see how you'll deal with her.

He grinned while your brother rolled his eyes. He wasn't looking forward to seeing this vile woman after what she did. He almost wished he had brought Apple with him. Or, maybe it was better that she wouldn't be around. He didn't want to speak ill of her mother while she was there.

He looked back and looked at Bunny and Raven who were talking about possible places of attack while Cedar was checking their rations. They would be good for the trip.

Alistair: Do you really think Tina and Courtley are serious about this?

Oswalt sighed.

Oswalt: No doubt about it. And they have the army to do it. We can't take any chances.

Alistair placed his hands behind his head and looked up in the sky.

Alistair: But why would they want to?

Oswalt: The same reason anyone wages a war. Power.

Alistair peeked over to him.

Alistair: Was that your motive?

Oswalt simply slipped his hands into his pockets. Truth was, yes. He did what he did for power. But it was for the power to make the Royal Families pay.

Oswalt: It doesn't matter. I'm not in the path of conquest anymore.

Alistair just chuckled. Oswalt groaned in embarrassment. He was a better person now, or at least he was trying to be. This felt like a step in the right direction.
You dropped to your knees and began to kiss the ground as soon as you got off that rattling death machine. Cerise held onto the steps with shaky legs while Darling stood there as stiff as a statue. Turns out, it was not like riding a dragon. It was much, much, much worse.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now