New Alliance

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Ruby was unsure about how this entire meeting would go. The air was tense and the whole Kitty being on Oswalt's side thing was not helping. She looked to her friends who were watching Kitty closely. She had agreed to not vanish, but they weren't sure if they could trust her anymore.

She then looked to her brother. After seeing you for the first time since summer started, seeing Oswalt felt like déjà vu. Especially since he wasn't turning green like you were. His hair was cut short now and he wore your father's hat. He also wore a black suit with some green here and there.

The Queen of Hearts sat on her throne and looked at the small group of Ozzians that were allowed to enter. Oswalt, Kitty, Tina, Reggie, and Candice. All dressed as royalty.

Queen: So, state your reasons for being here.

Oswalt started to answer but stopped. He had sent a letter before hand. Did she not read it?

Oswalt: Well, recently it has come to our attention that Wonderland soldiers have been laying seige to our settlements on Ozzian land. Kitty here had made it a point to state that you would do no such thing without reason.

Lizzie looked to Kitty. She was the reason Oswalt came here? Was she on Wonderland's side or not? She knew Kitty often enjoyed leaving people to guess, but this was getting ridiculous. Lives were at stake here.

The Queen rubbed her chin.

Queen: I will assure you now that I have not sent any soldiers out of Wonderland.

Oswalt: I figured. That brings us to the real reason I'm here.

He took a step forward and turned to the others in the room. The Ozzians and the Wonderlandians.

Oswalt: Someone is trying to ignite a war between us, and they're in this room.

Silence fell as everyone looked at each other.

The culprit was here? Ruby looked at her friends. Would they do something like this? No, that would be impossible. Lizzie would never wage a war against Oz. Maddie had no means to. Raven and Apple would have no reason to. Faybelle was with you the entire time. But, that would leave the Ozzians.

Why would any of them want to start a war when Oz was just barley rebuilding? It wouldn't make any sense.

The tension in the room only grew worse.

Who was responsible?

Ruby nibbled on her nails as she looked out at the landscape before her. She will never get used to the colorful world of Wonderland, but she didn't want to. It was beautiful in its own right. The Queen had invited the Ozzians to stay until the matter was resolved, but Ruby knew the truth. In the end, someone would have to pay for the attacks.

Raven: It's pretty warm, huh?

Raven approached the young girl who simply sighed. Raven wasn't used to seeing the young girl in this state of distress before. She understood why. She was a suspect too. Everyone was. Even Oswalt and the Queen. A fact that Oswalt himself let be known.

Raven stood beside her friend and sighed.

Raven: I miss when our biggest problem was signing a book.

Ruby rested her cheek on her fist.

Ruby: If Y/N was here he would've already solved this.

Raven looked at her. It was true that you had a knack of solving problem fairly quickly, but this was a different matter. And you weren't here, they were.

Ruby knew she needed to step up. And she knew what she needed to do.
Oswalt had his arms crosses and his brow raised. The Queen had her servants deliver a kind of gift basket to his room as a sign of good faith, but half of the stuff in it were useless to him. The other half didn't look edible. He reached in it and pulled out a deck of chocolate cards. He shrugged and decided to at least try it.

Peppermint chocolate. Not bad.

Kitty: You should try the jaw breaker  beetle. They're a personal favorite.

Oswalt looked back to his bed where Kitty was lounging. She had taken off most of her jewelry and such, leaving a simple base layer so that she could relax easier. Oswalt walked over and looked down at her, but she only smirked.

Oswalt: We don't have time for cat naps, dear. We need to figure out who is behind these attacks.

Kitty rolled to her stomach and propped herself up on her elbow.

Kitty: I would be able to help if you would tell me who the prime suspects are.

Oswalt crossed his arms. He wasn't too sure himself, but he knew that he could trust Kitty. He also didn't think the Queen of Hearts was responsible either. He didn't understand Wonderland much, but he did know that the Queen would definitely have no reason to hide it.

What really surpised him was Ruby being here. He wasn't expecting to see his sister after the Battle of Ever After High. A necessary evil, he believed, but he still hurt her friends. Your friends. He never cared much for them but he knew you both did.

Oswalt: I can't name anyone yet. Not for sure.

Kitty: Then we ought to start asking questions.

Oswalt was about to retort, to tell her that she didn't need to get herself involved, but he didn't even get the chance. A knock at the door echoed and Kitty vanished with a smirk. Oswalt rolled his eyes and opened the door to find Ruby standing there. She was about to say something but stopped when she noticed Kitty's rings and such.

Ruby: Uh, is this a bad time?

Oswalt shook his head.

Oswalt: No. Did you need something?

Ruby took a breath before letting it out.

Ruby: Look, I don't think I'll ever forgive you for everything you've done, but we have the same goal here.

She slowly held out her hand.

Ruby: I say we work together to see who's responsible for the attacks.

Oswalt stared at her hand for a moment. He then looked back to see Kitty's smile hovering in the air.

He would need help in this, he knew. But his little sister? He didn't even know what she was doing here. He didn't want her to be getting involved. Still, he couldn't trust anyone else with this. Not even Kitty, as much as he hated to admit it.

So, he shook her hand.

Oswalt: And once this is all over....

Ruby: We'll never speak again.

He nodded, but felt a spinning pain of guilt. One that made him sick.

 One that made him sick

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