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Ruby tapped her fingers on the table while she watched Oswalt go through the files he had asked for. The Queen was more than happy to give them to him, but it was all actually just nonsense burnt onto toast. A few even had butter smeared on them.

Oswalt: This is ridiculous.

He set down the stack of toast he was holding and began to rub his chin. Ruby had nearly forgotten that you were identical twins. Before Oswalt took back what was actually his body back, you looked just like him. Now the only difference was the green spots of skin and the fake eye.

But his mannerisms were the same as yours. Maybe it was because you developed them together? Or was it just because it was all Oswalt knew?

Now that she was thinking about it, Ruby didn't even know that Oswalt was there, just below the surface. Did he see everything you did? Did he feel everything you felt? He lived his whole life in your mind, disconnected from his own body. No wonder he was so bitter.

Oswalt: Is there something on my face?

Ruby blinked and realized she was staring at him pretty hard. She immediately mumbled something and looked away. They may be siblings by blood, but she couldn't forgive him for what he did. Even if his intentions were arguably good. He hurt people she cared about.

Oswalt watched his little sister for a moment before sighing.

Oswalt: The Wonderlandians write their documents in riddlish. I'm not exactly fluent in it, so we'll need a translator.

Ruby shrugged.

Ruby: Take your pick. We're surrounded by Wonderlandians.

Oswalt: But we need someone we can trust.

Ruby: Just ask your girlfriend.

Oswalt: Fiancée.

Ruby's head snapped to her brother. Her eyes wide and her mouth agape.

Ruby: WHAT?!

Oswalt leaned against the wall behind Kitty and Maddie as they read through the pieces of toast. The entire time Ruby kept her eyes on him. He could feel them. He wasn't very comfortable.

Maddie: It doesn't seem like there was any attack ordered. At least not on this bread.

Kitty: Nothing was documented at least.

Oswalt only looked at Kitty with soft eyes. A look that made Ruby's stomach turn. How could he love? He was Oswalt. When did that even happen?

Oswalt: Thank you. Both of you.

Maddie walked over to Ruby and leaned over to whisper.

Maddie: Is he taller than Ozzie?

Ruby thought about it, and she would believe so. But if your real body was being neglected, it would make sense if it was a bit malnourished. Still, you were one of the tallest students at EAH. Besides Tiny, of course.

Kitty: So what happens now?

Oswalt crossed his arms and tired to think of a plan. He need to find out who was causing this conflict. He couldn't lose Oz after he just got it back. Not when people were relying on him.

Then, it struck him.

It was the same face you made when you had an idea. The glimmer in his eye, the subtle smirk. The way his index finger twitched.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now