Something Worth Fighting For

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Oswalt groaned as he held his arm. Blood began to drip from the wound he became afflicted with. The invading forces were only growing in number and he had no way of stopping them. The village should have been evacuated by now, but there was still no sign of backup.

He held his blades tightly and charged forward. One managed to get away, but he would not allow himself to slip up again.

Oswalt: You're not leaving this place.

He leaped up and sliced through a tin soldier before kicking back into another. A creature rushed to attack but Oswalt managed to side step it. He trusted his blade into the side of the beast before leaping into the air. He landed, wincing when his wound suddenly stung.

He took a deep breath before he aimed his blade at the large group.

Ruby let out a yawn as she walked through Beauty Castle. Brair had arranged a meeting between them and her mother, but she was currently attending to other matters. Still, Brair was waiting for them in the library.


The group stood there wide eye at the display of treats and drinks and decorations. Brair had gone all out....again.

Kitty: Well, this is interesting.

Brair walked over and hugged her friends. Apple was always happy to see her Best Friend Forever After. But no one was more excited than the Hatter's daughter.

Maddie: Is that tea? May I partake?

Brair: Help yourself, girl.

Maddie squealed and hurried to get a cup, or two, or five. Kitty slipped by with a smirk as well. Farrah stood there awkwardly. She wasn't really a stranger, but she had never really been close with Apple's group of friends. She was off on her most of the time. She only really went to two of the parties that Brair threw in the last two years.

Brair: What about you, Farrah?

Farrah looked up, a bit surpised.

Farrah: What about me?

Brair: Well, is there anything you want? I can have one of our servants get it if it's not here.

Farrah quickly dismissed the idea with some quick waves of her hands.

Farrah: N-No! I'm okay with tea.

Brair just smiled. She always did have a nice smile. It was no secret that Brair was in the Top 5 ranking of the most Beautiful Girls at Ever After High. But she never had much one on one interaction with her.

Brair: Alright. Just let me know if you change your mind.

Ruby: So, your mother is out tending to some kind of dock work?

Brair turned her attention to your sister.

Brair: Yeah. With Asi reopening trade again, she needs to renegotiate some trade prices. But she'll return shortly. Until then, make yourselves at home!

Kitty: Ten steps ahead of you, Beauty.

The girls looked over to see the two Wonderlandians enjoying tea. They wasted no time in making a tea party, did they?

Brair didn't seem to mind, and was actually about join them before they heard a noise. Farrah looked to the door to find nothing there, but they heard the same noise again. Like a scratching noise.

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