Return of EA

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You sipped on your cup of tea across from Susan and Alice. Susan was examining the two treasures you had with you to make sure they were the real ones. After verifying them, she handed them back to you and Cerise.

Susan: I never expected to see these again in my lifetime.

Darling: They're well crafted weapons. Where did you get them anyway?

Susan simply smiled. She didn't think any of you would believe her if she told you. Alice read through your journal which documented your journey thus far. From the first treasure all the way to the trip to the Winter Kingdom. It was weird, but she gained a sense of nostalgia reading it. It almost reminded her of her own adventure.

Alice: You've been busy.

Y/N: Yeah. It's been a crazy summer.

Cerise: Understatement of the year.

She flipped the pages back to your sketches and looked at the final one. She seemed to recognize it.

Y/N: So, do you know where the last treasure is?

Susan: Not precisely, but we do know someone who does. Someone I'm sure you'll be familiar with.

You raised a brow. Someone you were familiar with? That could be anyone. Before you could question it, the butler returned holding what looked to be a piece of paper.

Butler: I have retrieved what you asked, Mistress Pevensie.

Susan: Thank you.

The butler handed her the paper and went off to tend to his other duties. Once he was gone, Susan showed you all what she was holding. A picture. A picture of the same exact place that was shown in your drawing. The meadow.

Cerise: Wait, it's here?

Susan: Not exactly. But, we can get you there.

She handed you the picture and you examined it. When you turned it around, your eyes grew wide.

Can't wait for you to visit again.

Y/N: "Dorothy"? As in......

Alice: Dorothy Gale. This picture came from Kansas.

Ruby waited in the throne room with the Wonderlandians and the Queen. After receiving news of Oz's gathering for a full scale attack, they had called for Oswalt to return. All they could do was wait.

Lizzie: How do we defend against Tina's army?

Farrah: If they're all tin soldiers, it'll be nearly impossible to stop their swarm. Especially if they can recreate Oswalt's creatures.

Oswalt: They can.

Everyone turned to the entrance where Oswalt entered with Alistair, Cedar, Raven, and Apple. The first thing that Ruby noticed was the new wooden shell on his arm. But, what caught her eye was the black and green design. Did he do that?

Oswalt came to a stop when Kitty suddenly appeared in front of him. She hugged him after not seeing him for a few days. A sight that almost made Ruby smile. Looks like she was telling the truth about him growing softer.

Lizzie: What do you mean they can?

Oswalt looked to the Princess, then to the Queen.

Oswalt: The creatures were created using magic. If they have Raven's wand, they can figure it out. Tina is clever.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now