Winter Farewells

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You sat in a wooden chair and watched the fire. You had made it back to the Inn and decided to stay the night there. Crystal even joined you and was sharing a room with Blondie. You found yourself unable to sleep, the prophecy floating through your mind. You would have to make a sacrifice. And your greatest mistake would come back to haunt you. Or, at least that was what it sounded like.

The fire crackled.

Y/N: You can't sleep either?

Hunter hummed. You had sense him standing there. It was clear that he wanted to talk to you, but he didn't know how to. He just took the empty chair beside you. You both watched the fire in silence.

Y/N: I get it.

Hunter sighed.

Y/N: I really do get it. I wish I don't have to ask my permission.

Hunter: I'm sorry.

Y/N: Don't be. You don't have to apologize to me. Not after all you've done.

Hunter just sighed. He lowered his head and you were both once again in silence. When he finally lifted his head, he returned to looking at the fire.

Hunter: I never thanked you.

You looked at him.

Hunter: So, thank you, for brother.

You just smiled. You went back to the fire.

Y/N: Yeah. Likewise.

Tomorrow, you would say goodbye. But right now, you enjoyed each other's company.


You stood with Darling and Cerise while Blondie and Hunter stood near the Wishing Well. They had their things as the sun rose over the clouds themselves. You were once again at the Winter Castle where you were saying goodbye to two friends. What started with five would now be three.

You and Hunter decided that he would keep the bow for safe keeping. With you already having the sword and dagger, you figured it'd be best to keep the treasures separated just in case something happened. As for why Blondie was leaving....

Blondie: I'll be sure to send you guys the copy of the documentary as soon as it's done!

You smiled.

Y/N: Yeah, I'll hold you to it.

She gave you a hug before moving onto Cerise and Darling. You then turned to Hunter who had his arms crossed. You knew he wasn't much of a hugger, so you just lifted your arm. He smirked before he locked his with yours.

Y/N: Tell Ashlynn I said hey. And, uh, keep in touch.

Hunter nodded.

Hunter: Will do.

You both lowered your arms and looked to the others.

Hunter: Keep them safe.

You just chuckled.

Y/N: They don't need my protection. But, I'll make sure they make it home.

That was good enough for Hunter. Cerise and Darling walked over and you stepped aside to let them say their goodbyes. Once it was all said and done, you all watched as Hunter and Blondie approached the Wishing Well. They had said their goodbyes to Crystal already.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now