Winter Memories

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You pulled your hood tighter as you marched through the snow. Each crunch was a step closer to the entrance of the Yggdrasil. It was in the heart of the village and you weren't as cold anymore, but it was still pretty chilly. Not to mention that you would have to go up the tree while avoiding whatever dangers you would experience along the way.

Cerise: Man, I wish we had Farrah with us still. She could probably cast a spell to warm us up.

Y/N: I would cast a resistance against the cold, but my magic is still pretty weak. I should've had Farrah or Raven teach me when I had the chance.

You had regrets.

Darling: You know, we might not be able to resist the cold, but we can distract ourselves.

You all looked at her confused. What was she on about now?

Darling: Hey, Ozzie, tell us a story about you and Lizzie.

Everyone immediately turned to you. You found your cheeks warming up.

Y/N: W-What?

Darling clapped her hands together.

Darling: You never talk about what your relationship with Lizzie is like. Not what you guys do on dates, not what you guys talk about, nothing. So tell us a story. Distract us.

You looked away, slightly embarrassed. Not of Lizzie, but you were a bit nervous to talk about that stuff. You scratched your cheek and groaned.

Hunter: Don't know where to start?

Y/N: Not really.

Cerise smiled at your embarrassment.

Cerise: Well, how about we just ask you something to jog up your memory?

Y/N: Do we have to?

All: Yes.

You rolled your eyes before Blondie began to hop around with her hand raised.

Blondie: Oh! Oh! I have one!

She stopped and pointed at you.

Blondie: Did you ever help Lizzie with the Grove?

You blinked. Looks like this was what you were going to do today.

You followed Lizzie with a create full of plants ranging from fruits to flowers. They were all very pretty and you couldn't wait to see them bloom.

Lizzie: You can set them down by the bench there.

You and Lizzie wore some old clothes you didn't mind getting dirty. You also wore a pair of leather gardening gloves while Lizzie wore a brimmed straw hat that she took from your room. You set the crate down and found yourself looking at her.

She wore a pair of overalls that reached to her mid-thigh. They had a heart symbol sewed onto the front pocket. She also wore a red shirt underneath. You couldn't stop staring. She was just so cute!

Lizzie looked back when she noticed you had gone quiet. When she realized that you were staring at her she found herself more confused than embarrassed.

Lizzie: What is it? Is there something on my face?

You nodded.

Y/N: Just some dirt. Right here.

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