The Green Hearts

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Oswalt spun his blade around his hand before trying a strike again. Alistair took note on how the arm reacted to the magic inside of the Blade of Oz. The gears moved faster with every strike, pushing them a bit more than Oswalt would've liked.

Both Alistair and Pinocchio insisted that it wouldn't be a problem, but Oswalt could feel it shaking with every strike. He really didn't want to destroy it.

Alistair: Okay, try swinging upwards.

Oswalt was about to do so, but stopped and looked at the boy with a raised brow.

Oswalt: Why?

Alistair lowered his notebook and shrugged.

Alistair: So we can see how it reacts.

Oswalt: You do realize my style is fencing, right?

Alistair: So?

Oswalt: So, it's striking. Not swinging. When I use the second sword, it's with my other arm.

Alistair tapped his notebook. Right. Results. Oswalt sighed and lifted his weapon before swiping up. This actually caused the arm to jerk. He felt the gears spin even faster which made him wince.

Alistair: Okay. Maybe we should tighten that up a bit.

Oswalt checked his wrist. Seems like it wouldn't be falling apart just yet.

Oswalt: You know, this is still better than I expected.

Alistair: I'll take it that as a compliment.

Oh, did he offend him? He didn't mean to. Should he apologize?

Oswalt: Sorry. I just meant....

Alistair: Don't apologize, dude. I'm actually impressed myself. I'm not really an inventor so I'm just as surpised as you are.

Oswalt was surpised. Did he misread his reaction? Weird. He was usually good at reading people.

Oswalt: Let's take a break.

Alistair: Sounds good.

Oswalt walked over to a tree and sat down, stabbing the sword's blade into the dirt. Even after the shell for his new arm was finished, Oswalt and Alistair decided to stay back at Cedar's home. A decision that was approved and encouraged by Pinocchio and his daughter.

The others decided to head back. Kitty and Bunny went back to Wonderland to keep an eye on the growing tension between the kingdom and Oz. Apple and Raven went back to Ashlynn's castle to simply support their friend. Something that Oswalt found himself respecting.

He considered stopping by once he was on his way back just to see how she was doing.

Alistair: Man, it's such a nice day today.

He sat bedside the taller boy and held out one of his mangos. Oswalt took it with a nod as thanks and took a bite. He couldn't lie, it was indeed a nice day. The sun was out, the clouds were few and far in between, and the weather was just perfect.

Cedar was off painting some scenery while Pinocchio was working on a project for a client.

If there was one thing that Oswalt couldn't shake was just how peaceful things seemed to be around here. The birds, the water, even the breeze among the trees. But, beyond that, he felt like he coukd rest here. Like all the troubles he had faced were no more.

He took a deep breathe before he looked at his arm.

Oswalt: I wonder, would the wood hold?

Alistair: I would say yeah. It's made of the same wood as Cedar and Pinocchio. It's why you can use your magic again.

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