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You and Hunter both stood in the hall of the royal bathroom. Not a normal bathroom, but more like a massive pool that was steaming with how hot it was. It looked far too fancy for either of you to be here.

Y/N: Oh, man. This is gonna be great.

Hunter: Yeah, it is.

You both stood there, then slowly looked at each other.

Y/N: Uh, see you when I get out.

Hunter: What? I'm taking the first dip.

Y/N: Like hex you are! I'm the captain!

Hunter: A captain should take care of his crew!

You both glared at each other, then broke off into a sprint to race to be the first in the bath. Both of your clothes went flying as you both jumped in.

You and Hunter both let out sighs of relief and relaxment as you sat in the warm, healing waters of the palace bath. It was really more like a pool which helped you and Hunter get the space you needed from each other. Of course you both had towels covering your lower parts, but it eas better to be safe than sorry.

Hunter: I can't remember the last time I had a hot bath like this.

Y/N: Me neither.

You both sat there.

Y/N: No eye contact.

Hunter: Obviously.
Cerise: This is the best!

Cerise stretched before relaxing in the waters of the girls' bath. Darling and Farrah both let out sighs in agreement. Their hair was tied up and towels covered their bodies as they washed up.

The water felt nice. They didn't realize how dirty they were after being on the ship for three days with no means of cleaning themselves except for some wipes. And even then it was...rough.

But the water also had healing properties. They sore bodies began to feel much better the longer they soaked.

Farrah looked at the other two girls for a moment and looked down. She didn't say it, but she definitely felt like the outlier here. You all seemed so close yet she barely knew you. Of course she shared classes with you all before, but she was still a stranger.

She wanted to help you save Ever After on your quest. To stop Oswalt. But first, she needed to prove herself.
You and Hunter both had your eyes closed, enjoying the bath. Hunter slowly opened his eyes and looked at you for a moment. Something had been on his mind for a while now and he felt like now was the time to get it off his chest.

Hunter: Hey.

You opened your eyes and looked at him.

Hunter: Can we talk about something?

You looked at him oddly.

Y/N: Whatever it is, are you sure you want to have it while we only have towels on?

Hunter debated it, but decided now was the time. It was going to be the only chance to talk to you privately.

Hunter: During the battle, when you faced off against Oswalt.....what happened?

You looked at him oddly.

Hunter: were going to kill him, weren't you?

Oswalt: Come and show me how badly you want to abandon your own people.

Ever After High: A Spellctacular Summer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now