High Sea Adventures

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You and Cerise stared at each other while Darling and Hunter kept their eyes locked. Together, you all did a push up.

Hunter: 232.


Darling: 233.


Cerise: 234.

And yet another.

Y/N: 235.

This continued until you had all reached 250 push ups, then decided it would be best if you didn't tire yourselves out. You needed to remain on guard on the sea after all. You had two of the four Treasures of Narnia, but that didn’t mean you could relax. There was still two Guardians left.

But the biggest thing was of war between New Oz and Wonderland. If Ruby and her team failed, the damage would be unpredictable. With Oswalt's powers and his creatures, Wonderland may not even stand a chance.

So, you were sailing against time itself. Something that sucked. It sucked a lot.

But, you couldn't weaver. You had a quest to complete.

You jumped up to your feet and stretched a bit, only to notice something in the distance. You tilted your head confused, wondering what ir could be. Was it another ship?

Hunter: Woah. I can't remember seeing another ship out here since we started sailing.

You couldn't either. Plus, the ship seemed to be moving against no wind. All was calm and there would be no way to move without magic.

You had managed a small wind spell, but that was barley even getting you anywhere.

Darling: Probably traders.

Cerise: You think we could buy some supplies from them?

You shrugged. You didn't know if they even were traders. But, if they weren't, then what were they? You narrowed your eyes to try and see better, only to see a familiar flag waving in the wing. Your eyes grew wide which Hunter noticed.

Hunter: What is it?

Your crew looked at you as you shuddered.

Y/N: The Jolly Roger.

You all watched as the ship gently rocked a great distance away. They wouldn't be able to attack, but the fact that they were here was cause for concern. The sea was an open place. It was no coincidence that they had found the Dawn Treader.

Darling: So what's the game plan here? We can't take them on. The Dawn Treader doesn't even have cannons.

Hunter: They also have a full crew and we have four people.

You suddenly heard a thump that made you all flinch. You all slowly looked back to see a single barrel that you never noticed before. You looked to Cerise who began to sniff the air.

Cerise: Wait, is that...porridge?

You all looked at the barrel before you all drew your weapons.

???: WAIT!

You watched as the lid to the barrel was pushed off and a very familiar face emerged with her hands up.

All: Blondie?!

Blondie Locks, daughter of Goldie Locks, host of Just Right which Ruby sometimes worked for. She was nervously smiling before she climbed out.

Blondie: Hey, gang.

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